Chapter One: Excitement Overload

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Crystal's POV

I was awoken by the sound of pots and pan being hit against each other.

I jumped up, falling off the bed in the process.

I heard laughter and my sheets fell on top of me.

"That was so worth it!" Stan said, coughing in between laughter.

"Was that for?" I asked, lifting my blue sheets off of me and putting them back on my bed.

Stan started to laugh harder, if possible.

"What?" I asked.

"Look in the mirror." He said, pointing to my mirror.

I walked over to my mirror, seeing my reflection; my hair sticking out in every direction known to man.

I giggled.

"But for real, why did you wake me up?" I asked. I was really hoping to spend my summer sleeping late, mostly because last year I was sent to summer camp.

Luckily, I was able to get out of it this year because I persuaded Stan (and Ford, which by the way, I had just found out about his existence the last day of summer.) enough.

"I woke you up because, my niece and nephew are coming back to stay for the summer!" Stan yelled.

A smile grew on my face. I knew last year they had come, and know they were coming today! I would finally going to make some friends! Hopefully.

You see, I was never very social. I was already made fun off because of my hair and it's color. Maybe today it'll be different.

"They'll be here soon, in about an hour. So get ready!" Stan said, leaving my room to make breakfast.

"Ok!" I called as he left. I went to my closet and took out some clothes; they were most of time the color blue, since it was my favorite color.

I went to the bathroom, running in before Ford, who was about to walk in.

"Sorry, I need to be here first!" I called, shutting the door behind me.

"Seriously Crystal? Second time this week you cut me." He said, faking being annoyed for my amusement.

I quickly got dressed and got out of the bathroom, allowing Ford to go in.

I ran down the stairs, tripping down the last one like usual, and made my way in to the kitchen, to see Stan happy, making some pancakes.

I sat down, his back behind me, so he didn't know I was there.

"HI!" I shouted, my excitement getting the best of me.

"WAHH!" He shouted in surprise, throwing the pan that held the pancake and jumping back.

"Oh, it's just you. You almost gave your old man a heart attack." He said, a pancake falling on his head.

I laughed. "When are they coming?" I asked as Stan gave me a plate of pancakes.

Ford walked in the room, book in hand.

"There not going to be here for another hour, so you're going to have to wait." Stan said, looking at his watch.

 I groaned loudly. "I'm impatient! I'm going to die by the time they get here!" I complained.

"Hey, stop whining, I can still drop you off at summer camp." Stan said.

I stopped whining like a three year old.

"Fine, but I'm staying in my room until they come." I said, putting my now clean dish and leaving the kitchen, climbing back up the stairs to my room, which now had two extra bed, one for Stan's grand niece and nephew.

I laid on my bed, and starting to listen to one of my favorite songs, "Just and a attraction" by TryHardNinja.

Just so you know, I love horror and stuff along those lines, so I was a big fan of FNAF; and it's mysterious lure enticed me even more.

I pressed play on the song as I awaited for my possible new friends to arrive.

Dipper's POV

I woke up with a start as the bus came to a complete stop, jerking me and Mabel into the seat in front of us.

"Ow," I mumbled, Mabel rubbing her face.

"Gravity Falls! This stop is Gravity Falls! Next stop, Boring Oregon!" The bus driver yelled from the front.

I smiled; we were back.

Finding Out (DipperxOc) *Discontinued*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz