Friends at Last!

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Dipper's POV

Mabel and I climbed off the bus; my twin sister hoping down the steps of the Speedy Beaver.

The bus left, raising a cloud of dust, just like the first day we arrived a year ago.

"Come on Dipper!" Mabel yelled, dragging her bags towards the busted up Mystery Shack.

"I'm coming!" I said, following her to the door.

Opening the door, we found the shack in the same condition we had left it in. Every thing was the same, which was great.

I heard Stan before I saw him; "Hey kids! Put your stuff in the attic."

Mabel let out a squeal of excitement. "I brought even more posters to put up!" She said, skipping up the creaky steps of our summer home.

Walking up the steps, we finally made it to the door to our old room. Mabel was about to slam the wooden doors of it's hinges, but I was quick to stop her. I heard something coming from the room.

She gave me a 'what-was-that-for-bro-bro' look.

I put a finger to my lips, shushing her.

I put my ear to the door as Mabel did the same.

Sure enough, there was noise coming from the room.

Listening closer, I realized it was singing.

Mabel's curiosity got the best of her, because she opened the door ajar.

The singing got the tiniest bit louder; since the door wasn't blocking it anymore.

Just sleep, just dream. Just sleep, just dream.

Just sleep, just dream.

In the back of my mind, I've been trying to chase a monster this whole time.

But I couldn't see, the monster was me,

And no one heard our cries.

Now I've run out of tears, the time's come for me to disappear.

Get me out of this mess, and away from the stress,

Set me free so I can rest!

We're only kids who lost our way,

But if we wait long enough then we'll be saved!

Just sleep, just dream

This isn't fair; no, we're not just what we seem.

We want to fly but our souls are trapped inside!

It's not a game, not to blame, we're forced to hide!

Just sleep! Just dream!

It's only a nightmare and soon we'll be set free.

And I've been crying out for help,

I know I bite but I mean well.

Can you see my disguise?

I'm different inside.

Can you break this spell?

And all the ghosts from before,

They're knocking and they're breaking down your door.

Finding Out (DipperxOc) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now