Italian Noodles - Ch. 4

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Agitated EJ circled the tree, a deep throaty growl resonating from between his gritted teeth. He'd gnash here and there but the figure would chatter and hiss in warning.

" What do we do?" one of the girls mumbled seeming puzzled.

Slender himself was bewildered and didn't answer. He stared up at the macabre sight without an idea as to how to deal with the situation. It was the girl from Mary's house alright, she was just more cadaverous looking than what he remembered. She was also drenched from head to toe in blood and had glass sticking out of her like she was some sort of pin cushion. However, as Slender studied the pieces much closer he realized they weren't glass shards but mirror shards. Fragments of reflective surfaces.

All of a sudden he understood and a light turned on in the attic.

" Eyeless," he commanded, " Get back here!"

Eyeless Jack ignored Slender without even turning his head. His undivided attention was on the girl up in the tree.

" NOW!"

The girl in the tree screamed, her hands flying up to the sides of her face, clutching her ears. Slender took note that the girl did not bode well with the sound of his voice.

Eyeless Jack growled one last time then scrambled back to his master like a wild animal.

" I'm going to set up a border 30 feet from here out. You're going to stay a distance away and watch her," Slender said as he dug something out of the inside of his coat. It was a syringe filled with a dark yellow substance. It was a drug to help any CP who was under the influence of the Delirium calm down. " C'mere," Slender grabbed EJ by his upper arm, "...You will not get close to this tree and try to stay concealed. That might help her calm down," Slender ordered. He pushed one of Eyeless Jack's jacket sleeves up before jabbing the syringe into his gray skin. He squeezed the contents into EJ's body and watched as the crazed look in EJ's eyes dissipated.

EJ straightened himself and then nodded. His emotions now under control, he looked back and cringed, averting his eyes from the girl, " It's not everyday you get to see a hot naked girl in a tree surrounded by your favorite food." His joke didn't seem to faze Slender so he chuckled nervously and answered quickly, " Sure thing, Slender. Just a couple questions. Who the hell is she exactly and what good will setting a border up do?"

Slender sighed, " I honestly don't know who she is. Long story short, I think she's a disciple of an old now gone friend and was kept secret from me. I had her in the infirmary after an incident involving her flinging herself out a window."

" Geez, is that why-"

" No, those are not glass shards from a window. They're fragments of a mirror. It has something to do with her species. Anyways, the Delirium will eventually wear off. No telling how long that will take though, so I need you to guard her. As long as the border is up she won't be able to get out. Just hang tight for awhile, you might be out here after dark so I'll send you supplies and syringes in case either of you run into a case where the other is having sudden Delirium dosages. If she's back to stability before morning head back with her. I'll explain things to her when you guys return so don't worry about telling her anything. Just get her back...somehow," Slender said.

Eyeless Jack nodded and then tromped off to sit behind a tree. The others stood around in awe and confusion.

" So why are we here?" One of the boys asked.

" To humor me," Slender answered sarcastically, " Actually, I thought we might have to battle the anomaly but since that's pretty impossible, considering how she has stubbornly placed her where we can't exactly fight her properly, I decided we won't force her out. We'll just sit it out because I have realized that I'm just not ready to deal with the consequences of rushing into battle without knowing our opponent's tactics. I'll have to deal with it at a more suitable moment. This anomaly is extremely powerful........However, your presence will not go wasted, I assure you. I'm going to teach you how to set up a border,"

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