Nothing & Public Restrooms - Ch. 5

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Josephine Caufield (POV)

I'm praying this is a dream right now. It has to be right? My imagination is the only thing that could possibly cause such horrible hallucinations right? I mean seriously?! A guy with grey skin and no eyes! Just globs of tar spilling out of them! What on earth. This has to be a dream. I'm just waiting to wake up. It feels like a dream. Rather a nightmare. It's like I'm wading through water. Like my limbs are jelly. Do you ever feel that way when your sleeping? Or like suddenly you're falling!



I'm sitting in an office meeting room with a bunch of people who I know but I don't know. I don't know them in reality! But I know them here! Somehow...

That guy in the corner is Zeke...and that woman is my boss, Georgia.

I skip around the room unnoticed until I bounce into a few people who ignore me. I fall on the floor once and I spot something.

An old fashioned trap door!

I open it and jump down inside. I fall to my knees on impact with the tile floor but I feel no pain. I just know that I've fallen. The sound of coworkers chatting above me relentlessly comforts me in this dark new room. It makes me feel okay enough to crawl around...until I hit a wall and prop myself up against it. A fluorescent light flickers on and I can vaguely make out a really long dirty public bathroom. Nausea consumes my being and I retch on the floor. It stinks like urine and cleaning chemicals...I think. As I look around more I notice one of the stall doors swinging open slowly. It then swings back. And then forward again. I just sit here paralyzed for several minutes like this. Suddenly it swings wide open and a hooded figure steps out. It's grumbling weird things about....cantaloupes? I dunno. It just goes to stand by the sinks. I continue to sit in the same space for several minutes, hoping the other person will go away. How embarrassing it would be to have to get up and pretend that I wasn't being some stalker waiting for the figure in the stall to pee or something. I don't want to humiliate myself! Do I?

The hooded figure is on the move once again. This time they walk closer to me with heavy footsteps that echo in this terrifying room. I squirm instinctively in my hiding place against the wall that has several dirty sinks lined up.

Step by step they walk closer then stop at the last sink. I think that I'll be fine as long as I just keep quiet and don't make any sudden movements. I even begin to hold my breath as the figure with their hood up stands in front of the sink at the end. I've suddenly noticed that there is no sound at all. I want to make some sort of sound. Sound always helps me.

I inspect this strange person as close as I can in the dark but it's extremely fuzzy. I think the hoodie is white or a pale gray and it has all sorts of stains on it. Their boots are splattered with mud and their pants are black and baggy. The stench that rolls off this person is awful. Maybe it's a hobo! I shouldn't judge. I'm the creep watching them from the shadows next to their sink. I still can't see their face. It's been several minutes of this person just standing there and me oddly observing so I decide to turn my head back to a forward position. I was developing a crick in my neck that was very uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't have done that though. Deep down in my gut I knew that if I looked away something would happen and indeed something horrifying happened. The stranger noticed me and got closer to me. I could see their dirty boots in front of me.

" Look up at me."

A voice said. I couldn't tell what gender it was. It was like a noise only a computer could make.
I couldn't force myself to do what whoever said told me to do. I could not look up.

" Look at my face. It is beautiful and I think you will like it!"

Said the voice.

No I will not!

" Awww, why won't you look? Are you afraid it will be ugly?"

I speak before I think.

" No! You are nothing and I am afraid of nothingness. I would be happy if it were ugly because there would at least be something there but there is NOTHING! Because you do not exist. You are just a voice in a bathroom that belongs to a person and that voice will leave as soon as I look up."


The voice coaxes sweetly. It's so saccharine it makes me want to believe. There are still two very muddy boots in front of me. Maybe there is something there.... I snap my head up but my heart immediately drops. I look back down and there sit the muddy boots still soggy as ever but they are without an owner.

" There is nothing....."

I've lost everything....that is why there is nothing. Because I have lost  everything! Even my sanity.

(( AWAKE ))

I'm awake and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't force myself to go back to sleep because for some reason that has never worked on me. I just end up laying there for hours trying to relax and not think about anything.

It's useless so I decide to open my eyes and look around. With a few blinks nothing is bleary anymore and I realize where I am. Ignorance is bliss, my friends. That's all I have to say.....for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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