chapter 6

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"time to wake up child" a man with a deep voice said. I slowly open my eyes but shut it closed again. The light in the room was too bright. I brought my small hands up to cover my eyes from the blinding light. I waited for my eye to finally adjust to the room. I removed my hands to see a man that was almost six feet. He had golden eyes and black hair. His skin was white as snow. As i was staring at him, he flashed me his pearly white teeth but I notice he had fangs too. I gasped. He was still smiling at me. At that time, I would have believed that smile, but now, it was nothing but pure evil...

I sat at my seat obediently. I was scared. My momma use to tell me never talk or take anything from strangers. I dint make a sound, only watching what the man was doing. A few minutes later, three back figures appeared in front of me. I gasped again. It was like magic. At this age, I dint know about vampires, werewolves, witches and what not. All i knew was the fairy tales mommy use to read to me. I was amazed how they could magically appear in a blink of an eye. My mouth was still open from amazement. I momentarily forgot that these people where the ones that murdered my family. I watch them take off their black mask. My eyes grew wide in curiosity. They were so beautiful. So flawless, like angles... Maybe they are angles? Boy did i realize later how wrong I was.

The four of them stood in front of me. I was so sucked into their divine beauty. But under all that beauty was something dark and hideous. There were two men and two women. I already recognize the first. The other three that had just taken off their masks, was two women and a man. I studied all of their features. They were all about the same, same range in eye color up to their skin type the only exception was their hair colors. The woman and man standing together had the same blond hair while the other lady had auburn hair.

The one with black hair and a deep English accent spoke first "my name is Alex, this here are my friends" he brought his hands up in a gesturing motion towards his friends. "the two with the same blond hair are Alice and Roland, finally the lady with auburn hair is Naomi." he continued. I nodded my head in understanding. "young lady there will be no nodding of heads. You will address me and Alice as mistress, and master Alex and Master Roland. Do I make myself clear" mistress Naomi said. I was going to nod my head again but I caught myself. I clear my throat and said "yes Mistress Naomi". "what is your name child?" asked mistress Alice. I lick my sudden dry lips and replied "Diana Summers, mistress". I was still young so the words 'master' and 'mistress' , I’ve always assume it was like a way of addressing a person. Like when you call your father's brother, uncle. I dint know what it truly meant until I reached the age of eleven did I truly knew.

"well Diana this will be your new home and we will be your new family" master Alex said. I started to tear up "but I want to go home. I want my mommy, daddy and Ben" I said. In a blink of an eye master Roland's face was really close to mine. "listen here child, your family is gone. They are dead! This is your new home. You will follow our rules or you will be punished. You are not allowed to talk or bring them up. Do you understand?" he hissed at my face. Fresh tears started rolling down my cheeks. "get up, we will show you to your new room." master Roland said. I quickly got up so I won’t get punished and started following them from the back.

Master Alex pushed open the metal door. It was dark. "this is your new room" he said. I slowly walked in but I was wasting their time. So he just pushed me in. I stumbled but manage to save my fall. The lights were flicked on and it lit the room. The room looked so dull. The floors were just cemented. The walls had no windows. There was only a wooden table and chair in here. My heart dropped. The room looks like a prison. I turned and face Master Alex, I feared to ask him to place more furniture in the room but I had to try... I took a gulp "master Alex?" I asked timidly. "what?" he said coldly. "uhm... Could I have a bed?" I spoke so softly that I wasn’t even sure that he heard me. "a bed you say... Now why would you need it?" he asked. "to-to sleep" I said. He moved like lightning, he grabbed my collar and hoisted me up so was at eye level with him. "you don’t need a bed, you sleep on the table." he said. His eyes were glowing golden and I was staring at them. "I don’t need a bed" I repeated. He smiled at me and then placed me down. "you will only sleep in the day and wake in the night" he stated. "yes master Alex" I said. The others got out of the room only leaving me and master Alex. He walked out of room. "Good night Diana..." he said while slowly closing the door.

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