The Sapphire Crown (Cheerkrazy's Story)

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By: Cheerkrazy

I sit on my jeweled throne, waiting for chef, Antonio to finish with dinner. "Athena!"
I hear my mother, the queen call for me from the parlor. I stand up, adjusting the ruffles of my satin, lacy dress. As I approach the parlor, I give a bit of a sigh. I haven't been getting much sleep lately. Wonder why.

"Athena!!" my mother calls again, now a bit impatiently. I can just hear mother pacing back and forth, pacing means something bad.

I rush into the parlor.

"Mother!" I say in a soothing voice.

"Athena!" My mother gives a sigh and puts her hand over her forehead. "You startled me!" she exclaims.

"What's the problem?" I say in a very demanding voice.

"We've....we've lost...." She pauses a moment.

"Lost what!?!" I say, impatiently.

"The sapphire crown!" She exclaims with a little tear dripping down her face. I gasp. Wiping away the tear, she nods sadly.

I know what you're thinking. We're a royal family. We have plenty of tiaras and crowns and jewels or whatever.
But this one was special. The crown has been in our family for generations, ever since my great-great-great grandmother was alive, back in 1789.

"Well, what happened to it?!" I ask, matter-of-factly.

Mother gives another sigh. "I really have no idea." She says.

"We need to find it!" I say, inspecting the broken glass case in front of me. "Wait!" I exclaim. "I've got an idea on how to find the crown!"

And I really do. Father has a friend in the spy business. He has a bunch of spy gadgets and so-on. Maybe he has a device to help us find the crown. A finger-print detector maybe!

I quickly walk out of the parlor and get back in my chair. "Daddy!" I call. My father walks over to me.

"What is it Athena?" he asks.

So I tell him how the crown is missing and blah blah blah, you know all this stuff. Then I tell him about the idea I had.

"Marvelous idea, Athena!" he exclaims. So he asks his personal assistant to call his friend, Carlo.

About one hour goes by until Carlo shows up, spy kit and everything. So, my father tells him the story of what happened.

I lead Carlo into the parlor, where the glass case is, broken into shreds.

He takes out one of his spy-gadget things and presses it against one of the pieces of glass. It makes a beeping sound.
"Aha!" Carlo exclaimed. "I know these prints. They belong to the worst criminal in the world! And I know how to find him!"

A few hours later, he is ready for his mission. Carlo waves farewell and says:
"I will be back. I will be back with your sapphire crown."

So after a few hours of pacing with anxiety, Carlo returns. He returns with the crown in his hand.

My mother and I give a loud sigh as my mother grabs the crown from Carlo. "Thank you." She says, relieved.

"Thank you so much Carlo!" I say to him and give him a hug.

"You're welcome, Athena." He says, happy he completed his mission.

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