The Sapphire Crown (nerdgal's Story)

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By: Nerdgal090

Once there was a crown,a control of intelligence,of intution,of power.Feared by enemies,but gave hope to its subjects.All who wore it gave it up,but one.An evil peasant,greedy and cold,saw it one day,and couldn't unwrap his mind from it.The day he took it was the day the kingdom,the people,and the crown disappear.The only person who lived to tell the story,was the one who stole it.
Their line told the storys,but in the way that he was the victim,not the villian.One of their line was good,a daughter named Rosalina.Her story begins in the ancient ruins of greece.
"Your sure about this?"She said as she clutched her arm trying to hide her shakeness all of her.They were in front of a hole in the ground with her cousin,Mason.Strong and evil as he was,he wanted to make his family proud.Plus for the glory of course.
"What are you,a scared kitten?"He said with a voice that made him sound like he was talking to a toddler.
"No,just..we aren't here to be crushed into pieces,we're here to have fun."She said in a convicing voice that would have worked for almost any,but him.
"Maybe your mom is,Dad and Mom are here for the crown.I want to help,and if don't I'll tell the whole family-"
"Stop!"She screamed.She knew what that would mean for her family.Every year the whole line of Harris would come down to Greece in search of the crown.Only her family would go site seeing,but the other were to bussy to notice.Expect Mason did,he used the information to make Rosalina do what he wanted.That was why he was seen as the angel,and Rosalina was seen as the troublemaker.She tried whenever to get out of meeting her cousin.She sighed,and finally answered."Okay,but your going down first.I don't care what you have on me,but it your idea so you have to go first!"She said with so much authority that he didn't argue.
And down the hole they went,into the slimy,murky,eerie tune that had sounds of the howling wind where ever you went.Rosalina put on a brave face,but Mason,he look like he saw a ghost.When they heard a snap,the brave Mason drop his flashlight.
"Nice going Mason,you drop the flashlight when you broke a rock."She said with sarcasm and sighed as she fished a box of matches out of her bag.
"You pushed me!It's all your fault we're even in this mess!"He yelled accusingly.He ripped the box of matches out of her hand,but couldn't light anything."I'm-"
Rosalina grab the matches and finally light something.The room burst into glimmer,shining with gold and pictures made of jewels on the wall.In the middle of the room stand a podium,with a silver crown embidded with sapphires.And of course,being the guy Mason is ran after it.Rosalina would have yelled,but something in greek caught her eye.She grab her English to Greek book out of her bag and searched to read."Only the Pure Heart may have the Crown..."Her eyes widden as a flash from the side of her eyes appear.She turned her head,but where Mason should have been,should a figure made of gold.That when she realize that gold statues filled the room.Her eyes filled with tears,yes she hated him,but he was still family,she thought.She run her hand through the walls,thinkning there had to be a way to undo it.She saw nothing.She threw her book down in frustation and was starting to cry.Greed and hungry,they were,but they're still people,she thought as she finally stop her sobbing to an sniffle.
She start to march up to the crown,"I won't let this happen to anyone ever again."She thought as she grab the crown and quickly walked over to the edge,just as she start to feel like she was being made a statue.But before she could throw it,she was embedded with gold.A single tear had gotten out before then.Slowly it made it way down her face and onto the crown.The tear strike the crown as it started to glow.The glow was bright now,and gotten bright till it was like the sun.Finally every statue,including Rosalina,started to glow.With a gasp Rosalina drop onto the ground.Her breathe was shakey and long.
"Rosalina....."Mason said in a voice of shocked and worried.
Where Rosalina stood,was a teenager,dressed in a Sapphire embedded gown with a matching cape.Her hair was incrusted with diamonds,and on top of her head stood the crown.She with infused with nervousness,but look in the gold wall to find a Princess where she stood.Her eyes widen with shock as she looked at the crown placed upon her head."Me?"She asked on in a whispered.
She saw a hole above her showing the moon,"Mom!"She gasped as she picked up her dress and ran off,with everyone else behind.When she exited the whole she found the whole family there,"Dad!"She yelled as she ran off to her parent to hug them.When she let go she saw her aunt.
"You!You don't deserve that crown give it to me!"She yell as she lunged to her,but Mason stepped in.
"Stop it,"He answered.
"What are you doing!"She yelled at him.
"She deserve,while the rest of us don't."
"You awful boy!"
"He not awful."Rosalina said at last."He right thought,no one deserve this fate,but it chosen me.And I must honor it.I must put faith that you don't touch it for your sanity."She said with delivered with gracefully and force that everyone backed off."Now if you excuse me,I missed dinner."She said as she walked off from them.She glow as she transform backed into herself,but she was different now.
The sapphire crown was made for pure heart.Greed is in everyone,but you must resisit.Mason is now learning to be good,while her family,well they need sometime.Rosalina,she got the boost she needed.And the evil peasant,well he learned nothing.
"Ha ha,I got the crown!I got the crown!"He yelled just before he turned to gold.
Villians never learn.

The Writer's Games 2014: Mission #2 EntriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora