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By: Parisluv

Drip, drop, drip, drop. The soft spheres of water echoed in my mind. All I was ever told was that I couldn't do anything, that I wasn't meant to go beyond my small life; and I believed it. I believed what the people around me told me, because I didn't think I could do anything. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself though, let me start from the beginning.
The icy air stung my cheeks as I made my way home from school. The frosty winters of The Northern Aurora were never easy, but I managed. My appearance was ordinary. I was a 16 year old girl of average height and weight. With brown eyes and brown hair there was nothing unique to set me apart. I trudged up to my simple little apartment, I was the first one there. My dad wasn't home from work and my sister was still at school. My sister was the special one; with a perfect body, blonde hair, and green eyes, she was the girl we all wanted to be. I went into my room and began working on some homework.
After a time, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find my best friend, Percy, standing before me with the same goofy grin he always wore. I never understood why he choose to be my friend. He's the guy every girl wants; he has tan skin, wild black hair, and electric blue eyes.
"Hey Percy," I said as I stood aside to let him enter.
"Where's everyone?" he asked as we went to my room.
"Dad's off supporting Julia in a singing competition," I replied.
"Why aren't you there?"
"My Dad said I need to get my grades as high as hers if I want leisure time."
"I'm sorry Scarlet."
"Not your fault."
"Too bad your Dad doesn't see how amazing you are," Percy spoke with the same enthusiasm he always did when he tried to tell me I was something amazing. "You're grades aren't bad, are they?"
"I have a B in science," I said with a shrug.
"One B, big deal! You are so amazing."
"You are the only person who tells me this."
"Everyone should!"
"I look completely average-"
"I beg to differ," he cut me off. "Your eyes are wonderfully mysterious and your hair is like caramel."
"Okay," I said with my back to him and my cheeks red. "If you say so. My brain isn't above average-"
"You're quick as a wit," Percy cut me off again. "And you have the highest English grade ever."
"Look, Percy," I finally said. "I really need to get this done so I can just keep moving. Did you need me?"
"I want you to enter this," his voice was surprisingly serious as he held up a green piece of paper. It had information on a writing contest.
"A writing contest?" I questioned.
"Two months to write a book," he said, placing the flyer on my lap.
"Why should I enter?"
"Because you owe me."
"No I don't."
"I helped with your chores and your Science project last week," he looked at me in the eyes, daring me to defy him.
"But I-"
"No buts."
"If you-"
"No ifs."
"Fine, I'll enter the stupid contest if it will make you happy."
"Perfect, see you later."
While I thought Percy was crazy, I did have a book idea I wanted to get down on paper. I didn't care if I won, so I wrote it for myself; because I wanted to see it on paper. So, whenever I had some free time, I pulled out my quill and got to writing.I didn't breath a word to Dad or Julia, they would have laughed at me. No, I kept this to myself. Finally, I had to turn in my book. I took it down to Central Meeting and entered it. Percy asked me continuously about it, but I just told him that it was no big deal; I knew I wouldn't win anyway. After two weeks, all participants were called to Central Meeting for the winner announcement. Percy sat with me, among a sea of faces. The announcer, a perky girl, finally walked onto the stage.
"Thank you all for coming," her clear voice rang out. "We had so many wonderful entries that choosing a winner was difficult. No need to beat around the bush, let's move on. Our third place winner is: A Shift in the Tide by Cassidy Heart." Applause erupted as a gentle looking girl walked up and received her prize. "Second place goes to: Juliet's Kiss by Jennifer Crystal." People applauded and whistled for her congratulations, as a girl skipped onto stage. "Our first place award goes to: The Aurora by Scarla Madison."
Everyone applauded in a roar of excitement as a girl walked onto stage with her nose in the air. She received her award and stood next to the others. People stood up to applaud and I grabbed Percy's hand pulling him along after me. I was nearly out the door when he pulled me back.
"What-" I began but stopped as I heard the announcer speaking again.
"And now, for our final award," her calm collected voice was greeted with confusion and soft whispers. "Our Feather Award, this recipient will receive the opportunity to write for the rest of their lives and will go on a year long book tour. This award goes to Phoenix Feather by Scarlet Wright!"
I was shocked as every head turned in my direction. Percy ushered me onto the stage. The day went by in a blur, luckily Percy was with me or I wouldn't even know what was going on. Then, I went home...
"Where have you been?" my father demand as I walked inside.
"Curfew was ten minutes ago," Julia said.
"Well?" Dad demanded. Percy gave me a look that said, 'don't be afraid, I'm right here.'
"Dad," I said. "I'm leaving."
"You can't leave!" he exclaimed. "You have no job, no money, and you're a child."
"According to Borealis laws a child over the age of 16 can leave if they have a job."
"Which you don't."
"Yes I do, I'm an author. I am leaving to go on a book tour, tonight."
"I'm guessing this is your doing?" my father turned to Percy.
"Yes, I told her to enter the writing competition," Percy admitted. "I'm also the only person in this room who cares about how she feels, who she is, and what she wants. I know her better than you do. Scarlet is amazing, she's kind, thoughtful, smart, and talented. You should be proud of her."
"Smart?! She got a B in Science."
"So she's not perfect! You just can't stand that she's just like her mother!"
Dad fell silent now, unsure of what to say. I stood next to Percy, slightly behind his arm; the silence was awful.
"Well?" Percy demanded.
"I, um," Dad stuttered.
"So I thought. Come on Scarlet."
Percy led me to my room, helped me pack, and move all my things. He was always there for me.
It's been two months since the book tour began. Now Percy and I are in The Tropic Aurora, it's raining outside. I had insisted that he accompany me, and the publisher agreed. People loved my book and I've already begun a sequel. I realized that Percy knew what I hadn't known for years. I may not be physically strong or as quick to stand up for myself, but I was still strong. My words inspired people and brought out a passion in them. My words are powerful. I am powerful.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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