Angel Wings

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They say your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die.

  Guess I was an exception, because what i saw was the gun pointed at me, and the man standing behind it.  All I heard was the gunshot.

  Thanks to the timing of my brother: Damian, I would probably be dead.  Thankfully only my shoulder was shot.

Maybe you're wondering who the man was.  Well I would've told you, only I didn't know, just some random stranger that decided a 17 year old girl would be his next victim. Let me rephrase that- just some random stranger that wanted $50,000.  You see me and my brother had a hit on us, our dad didn't want us to leave home. After all we aren't legal human adults.  We weren't human, that was for damn sure.  Our dad was an alpha werewolf.  An always angry- always violent werewolf.  When our mother died, he started to drink, heavily.  Although his eyes were always black when he was home, throwing empty bottles at us until he got tired, he always seemed to sober up when he had an alpha duty, or pack meeting.  So evidentially no-one knew that our father was a complete and utter jack-ass.  Our mother though, was the opposite- she was kind, loving, and warm- a true angel.  Literally.  She was an angel, making both my brother and I angel-werewolfs... yah it doesn't exactly flow right. It sounds weird, I know. 

       Angel-werewolfs were extremely powerful, and extremely gorgeous. It sounds weird, I know, but angels were always beautiful, and werewolfs always had amazing bodies, so combine those and what do you get? An all to powerful were-angel that the highers frowned upon. The highers were the top group of werewolfs that were basically the people that enforced everything. All the laws and rules. The highers don't like people like my brother and I, that's why we're so rare. They thought me and my brother were too strong. We've been hiding, and not going to school for our whole life.

   I really should've seen it coming, the bullet.  After all I had amazing powers. I can read minds, control water, and move things with my mind.  My brother had powers as well, although I never asked what they were, because I already knew since we were werewolfs too, we had a mind link and a bond between us.  That's how I called him when I heard the man behind me. I wasn't as alert because I was talking o my wolf.

 My brother ran back inside the dirty old laundry mat to grab his phone that he seems to forget everywhere. We moved to this town two days ago, and I've already been shot.  Isn't that peachy.

He dialed the cops while the hooded man with the gun ran as fast as he could. Damian ran to my side telling me to stay awake.  But I couldn't.  I let the darkness overwhelm me.  Flooding me like an ocean, captivating my body. 


I heard the beeping of my heart on the machine first. Then I heard the yelling from outside, I wouldn't have used my powers to listen in if it wasn't for hearing my name.

"She wouldn't even be here if he didn't put a hit on her!" my brother yelled in a hushed tone.

"I know, I know.  But we have to call him, please sir. We just need his number." I heard a woman's voice say.

Crap. they were gonna call him. I called Damian threw the link

I have an idea. ill sneak out I told him

okay. met me at the apartment, Mia. Stay safe. he told me threw the link and I unhooked all the tubes and wires around me, and hoped out the window. Still listening to there conversation.

"Fine.  Let's go ask her."  Damian said threw gritted teeth and opened the rooms door.  He peeped around the room and smiled when he saw me looking through the window.

"Where is she!?"I smirked and ran to the apartment.


*2 weeks later*

I was currently walking back and forth, pacing the tiny apartment my brother and I shared.  We didn't have much money when we ran away, but we got a bunch from my dad.  Apparently too much drinking is a bad thing. He died yesterday, and we immediately got the money, because we had an emergency credit card that would out the money if our parents dies, so we got the money. All his money, we were seriously loaded now.

"I just feel terrible, shouldn't we feel sad or something?" I looked at damian, holding the credit card in his hand. 

"He was the devil, Mia. We have no reason to feel bad.  I can't believe they're making us go to school though." Damian said rolling his eyes, and running his hand over his face.

"yah what Is that about, Diana hasn't had a problem with us not going to school before." I said, flopping down next to him.  Diana was our aunt that was suppose to be taking care of us, but she never actually did. We were suppose to be living with her since social services decided my father ' wasn't a good match for us' and that we should 'go to your aunts house for now' but my aunt just told us to stay with our dad, knowing full well that he would beat us.  

"Well it's either school, or foster care." He mumbled.

"That doesn't even make sense." I huffed out

"I know, I know. But hey, we've got about $100,000 AND the house on top of that hill." Damian said, pulling back the blinds and pointing to the huge house with white walls, and a huge property around it.

"No way!"  I yelled in disbelief

"H-how?" I asked looking back at Damian

 "Well I decided that we needed a new.. living space, and so did Diana." he smirked

"Really!" I asked, in disbelief again.

"No I guilt tripped her, and got us some furniture!" he smiled

"Nice, Bro!" I highfived him and jumped up excitedly

"But we can't move in there till this weekend.  But it's only Tuesday, so we have to live in this hell whole for a couple days." he said, looking disappointed.

"Well we'll make the most of it won't we, let's order a pizza." I pulled out my phone and dialed the pizza guy and ordered a extra large and sodas.

Being were-angels, we don't gain that much, which is awesome for me, because I love food.

"What do you think schools going to be like?" Damian asked me, like I would have a clue. I was about to crack a joke, when I realized he was serious and looked really worried.

"Compared to back home, anything will be heaven, Day'. It'll be fine." I smiled, handing him the pizza that I got from the little Chinese woman that handed it to me from the door.

I sure hope you're right my wolf whimpered out.

me too. I thought.


Cover-up werewolfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin