Learning More

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Leo: "So why do you live with your grandmother?" He asks as you two sit on the roof of your building. "Well my parents died when I was little and my grandparents got custody of me. My grandfather died two years ago so it's just me and grandma now." You reply. "Oh. I'm sorry." He says. "I cope with it, what about you? Didn't you say you had brothers?" You ask. "Yea three. I'm the oldest though. You got Raph the hothead, Donnie the brainiac, and Mikey he's a joker he's also the youngest." He replies. "Sounds like a house full." You giggle. "Yea our father can be kinda strict at times, but he does it because he loves us." He adds. "Oh you have a dad, is he a turtle too?" You ask. "No um he's a rat." He says. "A rat." "Yup, is that a problem?" He asks. "No no I was just making sure I heard you right. " You say with a grin. "Well I uh I should go, I gotta find my brothers." He says rubbing the back of his head. "Maybe I could meet them one day." You say as he walks to the edge of the roof. "I'm sure they would love to meet you, but they don't even know I come to see you on my free night, how would I explain that?" He says. "Simple you just say Hey guys this is my friend (Y/N) I met her a while ago and she wanted to meet you." You say with a smile. "Heh we'll see." He says then takes off. "Oh I'm gonna meet them." You smirk watching him leave.

Raph: You and Raph met up in the park waaaay after dark. It has become quite a regular thing. "Why do you take that camera everywhere princess?" Raph asks. You roll your eyes. "Why do you insist on calling me that?" You snort. "Cuz it's funny." He replies. "Whatever, I carry my camera around cuz my dad gave it to me. If was like our thing making videos of stuff around us and the things we like the most." You reply. "Where is he now?" He asks. "Well everyone thinks he's dead. He went MIA a few years ago in afghanistan. They never found his body but they presumed he was killed in action."  You say looking at the camera. "So now I just have my mom and Andy he's my stepdad. He's pretty cool he just doesn't comprehend that I need space every now and then." You add with a smile. "You're lucky you're an only child." Raph laughed. "Oh come on they can't be that bad. Tell me about your brothers." You basically demand. "What's there to know? My older brother Leo is our 'leader' he always thinks he knows everything. Don is the smartest he knows anything about computers and science stuff, and Mikey's the youngest he's cool tho." Raph says leaning against a tree. "They sound like a blast." You say sitting in front of him.  "Yea Master Splinter is the best tho, I don't say it but without him I'd be pretty lost." He says. "Who's Splinter?" You ask with your head cocked to the side.  "He's my dad technically, He always took care of us, still does." Raph says. "So when are you going to introduce me to them?" You ask kicking his leg. "As soon as you introduce me to your parents." He says raising a brow. "Deal." You smirk.

Don: You and Don were chillin in your library. This has become a regular thing, you would sit in one of the chairs with him leaned against your legs reading what ever book you had decided on that day. You hadn't told him yet that your parents knew about him, everything that you knew. You and your parents shared everything with each other and your parents were more supporting/ accepting than any others you have met. They were intrigued and really wanted to meet him, you weren't so sure f that was a good idea yet so they agreed to wait. "So I was wondering when are you going to introduce me to your family, Master Splinter sounds interesting." You casually say not looking away from your book. "Y-you want to meet my family?" Donnie asks shocked. "Yea, I think we are pretty good friends now ya big book worm. I wanna know what your family is like." You smile. "I-I don't know it's pretty much against the rules to hang out with a human." He replies. "ooh I didn't know you were a rule breaker." You say nudging his shoulder. "I made one exception don't think that qualifies as a rule breaker." He laughs. "Well would you mind making another exception?" You ask slowly. "What do you mean?" He asks turning to you. "Well I kinda want you to meet my parents." You reply. "That doesn't sound like a good idea." He says slightly shaking his head. "I Know that they will love you, and they wouldn't tell anyone I promise." You sotra plead. "They already know about me don't they." He says deadpan. You just nod your head. "Ugh (Y/N) why am I not surprised?" He says with a laugh.

Mikey: "Ha you lose again!" You cheer in victory beating him again on the video game you were playing. "That was the last time you beat me." He replies. "Oh wanna bet!" You say putting your hands on your hips. "Oh yea, If I win you gotta introduce me to Auntie!" He says sarcastically. "Fine If I win you gotta take me to your home." You say with a wink. "Oh come on I was just messing." Mikey says trying to backtrack. "Nope too late." You say starting another round. "Fine." He groans. This round doesn't last long with you beating him yet again. "Ha in your face!" You cheer. "Now you have to introduce me to your family." You smile. "Yea yea yea." He says rolling on his back. "So uh (Y/N) I was wondering why you live with your aunt?" He asks. "Oh well she's not my real aunt, she adopted me when I was ten. My parents died in a house fire while I was at a friends house, Auntie was a friend of the family and she offered to take me in. She's the greatest." You say trying not to get too emotional telling the story. "Oh. I-I'm sorry for bringing it up." Mikey says putting a hand on your shoulder. "It's cool. I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me." You laugh he laughs a little too. *knock knock* Auntie knocks on your door, before you can react she comes in Mikey still on your floor. "Oh I'm sorry dear I didn't realize you had company." She says staring at Mikey. "Auntie I I can explain." You stammer. "Oh sweetie it's okay, I've seen him before. Well I think it was him, and a few others at the train station late one night. Besides I've seen my fair share of unusual characters." Auntie replies. "Wait What?" You ask. "Well when I was younger say my thirties I met a Rat man. He was very sweet and unusual until one day he just disappeared." Auntie says. "A Rat?" Mikey asks.......  

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