Chapter 2

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Niall was woken up to coughing. His head whipped to look at Harry. He was leaning against the wall of his cell, coughing up what looked like bile. Niall just watched him for a few moments, letting the relief sink in. Harry gasped as he could finally breath. He panted, sweating and crying. He looked so alone, but he wasn’t. Niall needed him to know he was right here.

“H-hazza...” It was a soft whimper, but Harry heard.

His head whipped up, and their eyes connected. A weight lifted from both of their shoulders.

They were still together.

Harry took one look at the small boy and let a sob out. He was dirty, bloody, and so thin he could see his ribs. His face was pale, but his blue eyes large and watery. The blonde of his hair was almost gone, just the tips remaining. But to Harry, he was still as gorgeous as ever. Still just as beautiful as that day in the pub when they met. He could still see that blonde boy. One drink in each hand, whooping at the TV where the footy match was being played. Taking large sips his eyes not leaving the screen. When those blue eyes connected with Harry’s, both boys worlds stopped. The football match was forgotten. They talked all night. Harry still saw that boy.

“Oh Ni..”

Niall pressed his face between the bars, his hands reaching out, even if he knew they couldn’t reach one another. Big teardrops started a waterfall down Niall’s sunken cheeks, and he looked as though he was 5 years old again.

“I thought.. I thought..” Niall scrunched his brow, trying to stop his tears.

Harry’s breathing was still shallow, but he managed to scoot himself to his own barred door, pressed against it. “I’m ok. We’re ok.”

“No.. We’re not.” Niall’s eyes crumpled, the blue sea glass breaking. Harry desperately wanted to reach out and caress his cheek, healing those cracks.

Harry found himself reaching out as well, they’re fingers missing each other by a few inches.

“We’re separated.” Niall’s face scrunched up in pain as more tears made his way down his face. “I need you..”

“Oh baby you have me-”

“No. I want you here.. next to me..”

“Oh Ni.. Oh baby..” Harry bit his lower lip, his words coming out as a whisper. “I miss you...”

Niall was about to respond when the guards were walking back in. Both boys tried to withdraw their hands, Harry succeeding but Niall, Niall was a little late.

“You! What do you think you’re doing huh?!”

Niall simply shrank into himself behind his bars, not daring a glance at Harry. But the guard knew.

“Trying to reach a fellow fag huh?” The guard laughed, but it didn’t sound like one. “Nice try.” He spit, landing it on Niall’s frozen toes.

“You know what happens now don’t you little queer?”

Niall’s eyes grew wide with fear and he scrambled back further, pressing himself to the side wall of his prison. The guard smirked, buzzing the cage open and grabbing Niall roughly by the collar of his thin as rags t-shirt.

“No.. NO!” Harry was panicking. He slammed his hand against his own bars. His racket drew the guard’s attention to him.

“What was that? You, you wanna watch?” The guard smirked, nodding his head at his two friends. They grabbed Harry harshly, dragging him out along with Niall into the room they were in only yesterday.

“No,” Niall pleaded, “Please don’t hurt him he’s sick! Please...”

“Oh we aren’t gonna hurt your little fag friend. Or what is it you’d call him? Your lover?” The guards laughed hysterically at that. “Oh no, no. We’re gonna make him watch you get hurt. Sound familiar huh? Fair trade.”

It was Harry’s turn to shout. “Oh god please don’t hurt him..”

“Quiet!” The guard was insane, his smile delirious, he was drunk off their fear and pain. High off their misery. He turned back from Harry, breathing hard, nodding at his friends once again.

“Tie blondie here up.”

Niall felt his wrists being roped together by a chain from the ceiling. He couldn’t see Harry. He must be behind him but he couldn’t hear anything. He was too scared. The world was silent, the chain cutting into his flesh. He waited for pain.

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