Chapter 1:

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Ashley's pov.
I woke up at 7 am to the sound of my freaking alarm clock blasting an annoying ringtone I never want to hear again. "Ashley!!!!" I hear my mom say. "Your going to be late for your last day of senior year!" I don't understand why she thinks this is such a big deal. If anything I'm more than happy because after today I don't have to see all the idiots that linger in the hallways of my school. Aka prison. I finally roll out of bed at 7:30 a.m and decide to take a quick shower. After trying to find a decent outfit I finally decide on a hot pink crop top and light wash skinny jeans. My mother greets me before getting my morning coffee.. "Ashley" she says. "What mom?" I snap. "You need to be more excited this is your last day of high school." Is she really doing this right now I mean does it look like I give a crap? "Sorry mom I'm just happy for it to be over with. I haven't exactly had the best time." "I know sweet heart" she says sweetly. I decide to walk out of the room before anymore questions can be asked.
I make the annoyingly long ride to school and finally arrive. I step out of my car and parked right beside me is a stranger...

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