Chapter 3:

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Harry's pov
She's so beautiful. She's not like any other girl. She has short blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and she is to my shoulder in height. "Okay so where do you need to go to get your tire fixed?" I asked breaking the science.
"Uhm... I guess anywhere is fine I think there is a tire place on the corner up here." She speaks softly. I can tell she's nervous.
"Okay, so what are you wanting to do after highschool?" I ask trying to create conversation.
" I'm really thinking about majoring in theatre all my life I have loved it so much." She says.
"That's nice... Well we are here!" We both get out of the car and walk into the shop.
It smells like nasty eggs in this nasty tire place.
"How can I help you?" The greesy man says.
*uhm it would really help if you took a shower* I decide not to say that....
"Yea she has a flat tire back at the school down the street."
"Okay give me the location of the car and we will get it taken care of." I write down the location of the car and where it is and hand it to the man. "Okay your all set we will call you when it's ready."

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