Chapter 4:

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Ashley's pov.
"How long do you think it will take y'all?" I said to the greesy man.
"About 2 hours."
Ugh I have to spend 2 hours with this guy I just met. Maybe it could be a good thing. Maybe we will dramatically fall in love just like the movies... I'm being stupid that stuff NEVER happens.
"So what do you want to do for this 2 hours we have?" His accent is a heavy English accent.
"Uhm... Do you want to go by the mall?"I say hopefully.
"That sounds great."
Harry's pov.
Crap.. She wants to go to the mall.. I hate the mall but I'm not going to be a jerk. I don't want to mess this up like last time.

"What do you like about the mall?"I realize my words seem sort of harsh..

"Oh I'm sorry if you don't like it we don't have to go."

She's so sweet my gosh she's so sweet. But I really don't want to let her down.

"No no no I want to I really do I just was asking."

"Well I really like it and I love clothes there. And my style is super ugly I need to change it."

Is she kidding me?? She's gorgeous i mean does she not see what i see?

"No you don't your style is perfect."

"Thankyou." She's blushing really blushing.

"So you have to tell me about you" she says.
"You really want to know about me?" I mean I will tell her everything but I'm really boring.

"Of course." She smiles sweetly.

"Okay well I'm 22 years old. I am extremely boring. I act like I hate everyone but I really don't."

(Hey you guys if you like reading make comments because I don't know if I should keep writing)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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