Chapter 2:

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This stranger was mysterious. He got out of his car and he was tall, he had shoulder length brown hair. He was skinny he looked welcoming. To my surprise he knocked on my window. "Hey" I say rolling down my window nervously.
"Hey, do you know where the main office is?" The stranger says.
"Oh yea. Of course you just walk between those buildings over there."
"Thankyou. By the way my name is Harry." He says with a warm expression.
"I'm Ashley."I say smiling.
"You should wait here until I get back then we should talk." He says.
"I mean I had school but I didn't want to go anyway so that sounds great."
"Okay wait here." He says trailing off as his long legs take steps.
What am i thinking? I don't know him. My mom is going to be so angry I skipped my last day of school for my high school career. But I don't really care she knows I absolutely hate school. I get jolted out of my deep thoughts when there is a knock at my window... It's him.. The stranger... I mean Harry.
"Did you know you have a flat tire Ashley?"
"What the actual freak this day just keeps getting better" I say under my breath hoping he can't hear.
"Don't worry we will get this taken care of."

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