Life after Eleanor

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I hate this university! I should never have thought I could ever have the ability to major in physics. I never even liked science for goodness sake, but after Eleanor left any reason to get away from home seemed like a good one and my parents were so happy to send of their 'pefect' sun off to study physics. Don't ever listen to what your parents think you should do! I wish that I could have chosen creative writing. I could have written about my whirlwind of a life and my crazy experiences with Eleanor, I could have written about comic book hero's, about music stars and bands playing in NYC. Best of all I could have had an A by now and made something of myself.

"Hello Park" I hear the looming voice of the waitress standing over me and finally come out of the daze that I have been stuck in whilst I pondered over my mess of a life.
"I got your regular order for you, just how you like it. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tonight, maybe?" She said it every week or at least hinted at it. She is a nice girl, pretty and tall, she has a good taste in music, but she is so not, well, just , not Eleanor and she doesn't understand. I'm not here for girls. It took me long enough to get over Eleanor. I'm a lone wolf now. Free to be me and with no one tying me down.

"Sorry Alison, I'm going to be working late on some stupid dark matter project. That's why I needed the emergency extra strong coffee and thanks by the way."
"You really should leave that university you know. Its no good for you. Each week your face gets duller and duller. It's sucking the park out of you. There's a creative writing university in Colorado. They're supposed to be amazing. It would be perfect for you." She paused and a conscerned look appeared upon her usually happy face. "At least think about it. Theres no harm in looking" She looked at me while she said it then winked and turned away.

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