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"Look" his dad said in the calmest yet most patronising voice possible for a man of his age "All you mother and I are saying is that your mother" she glared at parks dad with eyes like lazers. " I mean ...WE... don't think that its a good idea for you to move around after you have put so much work into this course."
"I understand, but what if this opportunity is the best thing that ever happened to me, what if that's my destiny."
"Don't give me any of that destiny stuff Park. This is the real world. We don't live in one of your comics. Me and your mother, we work hard. We worked hard at school and still today, we work to the best of our ability to provide for you. So that's final. Your staying with physics." Park slowley pushed his chair out from under the table making it screech and ran towards the front door which he opened then slammed behind him five seconds later.
He walked past the old school and the fields. He walked past all the houses and the nearest shops. He walked past Eleanor's old house. He almost expected her to be standing in the window washing to him, but she wasn't. He walked to the nearest shops and bought a drink and then the furfest and bought some food. He felt like he had been walking for miles.
"Park, hey Park" Slowly Park turned around and saw the mountain of Steve bounding towards him like a big puppy then grabbing him in an anormous bear hug. Steve had had to retake the semester due to his lack of results so was still at high school. They talked for an hour and Park shared his Coca-cola and dorritos with him.
Finally at 1 in the mourning Park rolled through the front door to find his mum asleep on the couch, bit she woke instantly as the door shut.
"Park? Is that you?"
"Yeah its me mum, sorry for being out so long"
"You should be, you got me so worried, naughty boy." She handed him a warm cup of cocoa. "I have thought about the creative writing and me and your father have decided that maybe it would be okay if you went out of this town. Maybe it would be good for you.Write down the number and I will organise a tour." Park could tell that she had a few to drink due to the way she was acting but was thankful of what she said and bew that she meant it. "I'm sorry for earlier. Now of to bed. Its late. "

Eleanor and Parkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن