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One thing that she didn't miss form home was the food. Her uncles cooking was amazing; as they sat at the diner table with coasters and place mats. Piles of food and well cooked meals, however Eleanor had lost her appetite.
"Your not eating anything Eleanor?"
"Sorry uncle" she managed to say "its just that I have something to say."
"What is it Eleanor?"
"Well....... I have had a thought. I want to leave the programme at school and start over. I want to do the creative writing course in the university at Colorado. I want a change. I need a change."
"Are you not happy here?" I could see the hurt in his eyes and I could see that he felt like he hadnt been good enough to me
"I am so, so happy here" I felt so bad "It is nothing to do with you. You have been so good gmfor me, but I need to think about my future about my career. I need to think about what I want to do in life and I kniw now. I want to write. I have read so many books and would love to be able to produce such beautuful stories. Please?"
"Darling, you have had too many hardships in your life and all I want to do is rap you up and keep you safe, but if this is what you want to do, the I am okay with that. Give me the number and I will organise a tour."
This was it. I could feel my freedom just coming into reaching distance.

Eleanor and ParkWhere stories live. Discover now