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Are you ready for this?

Are you breathing?

Are your lungs full of air?

Can you inhale with ease?

Do your lungs shudder under the weight of every breath?

Did you lie and answer with fake positivity like me? When you're supposed to be answering with honesty and truth does the courage to do so evaporate?

Me too.

When all I want to do is be honest my mind is clouded, my heart beats erratically and my spirit evades me. I am not what they say I am, I don't believe it for a second, I am the monster in my head, the terror you find under your bed and the silence in a crowded room.

I am too quiet for everyone and not loud enough for myself, I cannot rise, i cannot float, I am lead weighted and yet I am nothing more than stale air. A paradox is what I am. My pride is gone and my fear remains, anxiety reigns from a throne forged of my wasted strengths. This is me, I am defeated and slowly I am suffocating.

Again, this time answer my questions with honesty.

Yes to all of thee above..

D is for depressionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang