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Watching their daily routine, I sighed resting my head on the table. "What has you down?" Kim asked her voice gentle and small. "Being like this; locked up, worried, hurt...what kind of monster would do this to innocent people?!" Rubbing my eyes kim shrugged her shoulder her left hand twitched slightly as her reaction she slammed it down biting her lip until she drew blood "why do you do that?" I asked holding her hand "it always has happened to me...skylar do you have..any siblings?" Nodding my head I let go of her small hand, looking behind me Crystal walked up to us with Phin behind. "I have an older sister, becca is her name." Kim nodded her head "I have a younger sister." Smiling from a distance she stopped talking "I didn't know you had a sister kim" Phin said in amazement "you never asked...skylar lean closer I have a secret for you" I clenched my fists leaning towards her "when the others get set free...you can meet my sister." She said softly "how do you know we're getting out of here?" I asked looking at her tired eyes "I can hear her at night...she talks to another person...she wants to set us free" scooting away Kim stopped talking leaving my mind at a confused state.

"Crystal, what all can you tell m-" as I was going to ask about, the location, and the routine I heard screaming. Alexzan laid there with her back arched cried out In pain, unable to lift her hands she cried pathetically; breathing heavily "JUST KILL ME NOW DAMN IT!" she screamed. silence filled our dropped stomachs and a sliver arrow stuck Alexzan hitting the roof of her mouth digging into the floor, her body jolted. Phin held his mouth falling to his knees another arrow struck Alexzan, as if she was having fun seeing the Gore and her subjects puke what little meal they could cook up.

"I am better than you, remember that."

A girl said over the intercom system, her voice calm and sly. I looked around to see an hidden door of some sort, anything that could give me an explanation on how the archer got in this prison

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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