My last confession

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Ok, it's pretty clear my life revolves around her. She my sun , moon , stars , she's my everything . Even though she's basically Satan's little fuck toy, I love her.
I love her pretty green eyes, her flowing raven hair, her creamy white skin . I've been exercising ever day to get in shape so I can protect her. She seems impressed with my progress. I need to tell you all this, I killed for her. Didn't even doubt my actions. We were at a club, the three of us, Sue, Justin and I . Justin hid in the corner all night, drowning himself with alcohol to overpower the smell of his rotting flesh. Sue, oh god Sue. She was dancing and grinding her fucking hips to the music, I wish she would do that on me. I was doing some pink lady shots at the bar, and was watching her like a hawk. The songs changed , she still dance, soon she was grinding on some guy. Fucking lucky posh prat. His hands were on her hips, her hips pushed up against his....well I'm sure you can guess what they were aginst. He slid his hand up her leg and squeezed her ass. I polished off my last shot and stumbled on the dance floor. I clocked him in his fucking face. Prick. Everyone stopped dancing as I wailed on the guy. Blow after blow, my knuckles were numb. My adrenaline was gushing, I grabbed the fucking perv by his hair and started bashing his creep face into the ground. I felt hands on my arms, trying pull me away. I looked to the side and saw Justin, scared off his wits. I looked around, security was heading my way and Sue was standing over me with a sadistic smile. I popped to my feet and quickly, without a single doubt in my mind. Stomped on the guys skull until it cracked. Sue giggled with delight at the sound of crushed bone. I love the way she giggles. Justin was in a panic, if he had a stomach he would've puked. I ran out of the club carrying Sue bridal style with Justin leading the way. I just killed someone. I can't believe I killed someone. Sue kissed my cheek " Well well well, Gray I knew you liked me but not that much" I smile. Fuck yeah , I just got a hot girl to notice me.

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