Show me your scars (grays pov)

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I rubbed my eyes a turned in bed, Sue was having another night terror. She was tossing and turning and hyperventilating. I started to shake her awake , in a jolt her eyes burst open and she sat up sobbing. I rubbed her back "love it's ok, your ok, your safe" . She rushed to the bathroom as she does every night this happens. I'm starting to think she's still a little human, I mean c'mon , hell spawns don't have nightmares do they? I waited in bed for her to come back. She laid down beside me. I hugged her tight, she yelp. Instantly I let go . "Babe are you ok?" She was rubbing her stomach. Her green eyes were peaking through the dirty red that hid them. This was my Sue that was hugging herself in pain here next to me. I timidly touched her side and ran my hand along her curves trying to comfort her. She fell asleep, soon after I did too. In the morning I looked to her, still asleep. God she's beautiful. I went for a soft hug when I noticed she'd bled through her shirt. I panicked "Sue! Baby! Wake up!". She opened her eyes groggily " ughhhhh let me sleep, a few more hours , pleeaassee " . I touched her stomach, she flinched and jolted up. "Baby your covered in blood". She quickly walked to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. I waited for her to come out in the doorframe. At least an hour later she stepped out. I don't know which one of us was more shocked, her seeing me waiting for her, or me seeing her body covered in cuts and scars. She covered her stomach to hide them from me. I rushed to her, she was coiling herself to hide them. I was tearing up , I grabbed her wrist and held out her arm "baby what are these !?". She shuddered in response. I knew what they were, I was just praying I was wrong. "Stand up " she shook her head "please". Slowly she stood still trying to his herself from me. I was crying "show me your scars "
" why? "
" Because I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there"
She reluctantly stood straight up, uncrosses her arm, and was fully exposed. Tears were streaming down my face. I can't believe it. From her chest to her thighs and all along her arms, we're scars , cuts, bruises , and burns. She hated herself. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her stomach frantically. I stood and kissed up and down her arms , letting out a few breathy sobs and muffled "your  beautiful "s . I couldn't picture her doing this to herself. She was perfect in so many was. How can't she see she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?

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