revenge (sue's pov)

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I checked on last time to make sure the revolver was fully loaded. 6 bullets, 6 targets, and some demon powers to help me along the way.This is my first stop. I left while Gray and Justin were still sleeping,  they would've tried to stop me. It's 6 a.m now , I've got an hour before the kids start entering the school. First on my list, guidence counselor.  Miss Fisher. I fucking hate her, with every fiber of my being I want her dead. More than anything.  I buzzed myself into the school saying I was a student teaching. They bought it. Morons. I walked around the school for a bit, I saw my old classes and disabled a few security cameras. 6:45. School starts at 7:30 so I have some free time. I walked to the trophy case just to look for changes. Gray was still the highest ranked kid in the school. Nobody could outsmart him. His intelligence was the small legacy he left behind in this hell pit. At least it was something.  7:25. Im gonna snap. The school was flooded with kids scurrying to thier classes.  I wonder how many were gonna die. Pity, they're kinda fun to watch. Young, stupid,  hopeless, all of them striving for perfection in a world that only wants to humiliate and violate them . Poor souls. I walked to the main office,  and snapped the receptionists skinny neck. I made an anouncment . " all grades report to the commons for a meeting " . I made my way to where the large group of people were. In the hall I saw a few boys and a girl being pushed and shoved,  called name such as , slut, faggot, whore, worthless, pathetic.  I calmly walked over and scolded the bullies to get to the commons. The group of misfits,  I handed each of then a spare pistol I had in my purse.  "When I say so, blow them the fuck away". I hurried to the commons a saw Miss Fisher standing in confusion. Grabbing her by her hair I stood on a tabletop and shouted " Good morning everyone! How are all of you?" Miss Fishers crying got thier attention. " I'm sure you all know the worthless trash you call a guidence counselor,  Miss Fisher! " I said in my most cheerful tone. Some of the teachers were running for thier phones. I snapped my fingers and broke all thier legs. God I love being a spawn of hell. "Now, how many of you have had a major issue that you needed her help with?!" Some raised thier hands. "How many of you got punished when you stood up for yourself!?" More hands went up. "How many of you had to go to tharapy for expressing yourself?!" I was getting them riled up. "How many think she is a fucking idiot who needs to be taught a lesson? ! " some students were cheering for me, others were mortified. I gripped her hair tighter and pulled her to her feet " How many of you think her, and everyone like her, deserve to be taught a lesson!? ". If they were on my side the were in an uproar. I pulled the gun out of its holster and stuck it in her mouth " How many want to see her pretty little brains all over the fucking wall!?". They were like wild animals,  whooping and hollering.  It was beautiful.  I clicked the triggered back and blew her to hell. The kids I had armed unloaded on thier sobbing classmates.  They were all killing each other. I laughed and calmly walked back to my car and drove to the motel where the boys were. It's 9 am. Might ad well get them some breakfast.  I stopped at a drive through and headed back to them. I opened the door,  Justin looked at me with disgust. Gray came and got his food then sat back down giving me a kiss on the cheek.  Justin was crying.  His eyes were glued to the screen.  Oh look, I'm on TV.

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