Definitions: Manias

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Manias are more than just a part of bipolar disorder; a mania is, independently, an obsession or irrational fixation, sometimes associated with OCD, though not always. Some of the most commonly-known manias are as follows.


Fairly well-recognized in popular culture, kleptomania is the compulsive urge to steal things-the magnitude of things varying from person to person, naturally.


Similarly, mythomania is well-known, though usually by a different name: pathological lying. Mythomaniacs feel a strong compulsion to either exaggerate the information they're giving or simply lie outright.


Another familiar term; nymphomania is used to describe-informally-a crazed or insatiable sexual desire, often in women. (The male equivalent is satyromania.) In terms of official diagnosis, both terms are rarely used.


Onomatomania, sharing the same root word as onomatopoeia, is the manic compulsion to repeat certain words over and over. Again, the words and the frequency of which varies person to person.


If someone shows particular interest in fire, you might call them a pyromaniac even if it isn't true. In reality, pyromaniacs feel the need to start fires in order to attain gratification. Not all pyromaniacs want to burn down buildings, however. Sometimes just lighting a match garners the satisfaction they seek.


Otherwise known as obsessive hair-pulling, and not just from the head. Humans are mammals, and mammals are covered with hair-and wherever it is, it's fair game to a trichotillomaniac. Sometimes this mania is easily controlled, and sometimes it's so overwhelming that the patient can't think of anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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