Extra-Chapter Three

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      Walking out of the Morinozuka house I was greeted by happy cheers, they had been like another family to me through it all, and I admit I wasn't the most open person at the time. Smiling I sat down in the limo next to Takashi, Mitsukuni had obviously helped his friend into this position considering that he gave me a wink and a thumbs up. Takashi though wasn't talking or looking at me, he was just scowling at the window.

     Arriving at school we three stepped out, whispers of girls echoed through the garden as we passed by. More memories flooded my brain, the whispers of people as I walked smiling next to the host club. It was a wonder I had made it so long without anyone fully noticing. I walked beside Takashi and Mitsukuni silently not saying a word until after Ritsu had made a fool of himself bowing down in front of the two.

     "Ritsu!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms as I watched from the corner of my eye Takashi's jealousy.

     "Uh, Hey Aspen." Ritsu said while slinging an arm around my waist. I let go of him and turned to make my way back over to Takashi but was quickly pushed backwards. Landing on my but I looked up with tears in my eyes, I don't like pain. I watched as a glass vase shattered to the ground in front of Ritsu and I.

      "Takashi?" I asked my voice shaking slightly as I tried to hold back the tears. I could feel the three boy's stares on me as my shoulder started to shake. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Crying out I looked up to Takashi "My leg hurts!"

     "Aspen..." I heard a strain in Takashi's voice and was suddenly lifted into the air, the body though wasn't Takashi's. His arms were smaller and he was too short to be Takashi. Opening my eyes I looked at the boy carrying me, Mitsukuni had picked me up, I probably looked like a fool with my 5'5 stature being carried in a 4'10 boys arms. Although I still curled into him and let him take me where ever we were going. Soon enough I felt myself being set down, so I quickly retracted my arms.

     "It's just a small cut, but I bet Takashi blames himself for it." Mitsukuni spoke while cleaning the small wound. "He knows how much you hate being hurt or cut."

     "Yeah well, he has seen me at my worst, you know that."

     "You love him right? It's no longer like, it's love."

     "Mitsukuni, do you think he loves me back? He's been like a wall recently. He hardly talks to me and he's super stiff like a board. It was happening before the Ritsu thing too. I was hoping he'd get jealous enough and rip me out of Ritsu's arms, but he's being a doo doo stupid faced poo brain." I pouted snubbing the air.

     "He does, I think he really cares about you Aspen." Mitsukuni tapped my leg signally that I was all patched up. Making our way down the hall Me and Mitsukuni watched at Ritsu ran down the hall. Sighing we both looked at each other. I guess my changed personality is a lot like Mitsukuni's.

     "I got Ritsu, go see what the host club has done this time." I said staring off into the direction that Ritsu ran off into. I kept a steady pace behind Ritsu following him all the way to the garden. I watched as he brought out a little birdie. "You know Ritsu, you don't need fixing."

     "What would you know. You've always been way too popular, even with the ladies." Ritsu huffed not looking at me once.

     "Ritsu, Life's a bitch and it's super hard to tame. You just gotta live with it and move on. Just like the birdie is going too. Don't waste time on people or image like that. You're family loves you and not just your biological ones." I smiled looking at the bird in the box.

     "Look out!" I hear Mitsukuni's voice ring out, the next thing I know my clothes are covered in red. Staring at the color, I hear voices coming and going. Trying to tear my eyes away from the red color, I locked eyes with Takashi. Takashi's eyes widened at the sight before he ran over to me.

     "Takashi...There's so much red. I didn't do it I swear." I whispered out what I could before my shaking body collapsed into darkness.

Returning Old Memories (Faking It OHSHC Extra)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang