Extra-Chapter Four

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     A light hit my eyes, brightening the background behind my eyelids. My body felt heavy and my stomach felt like I was about to throw up. Opening my eyes the light of the world burned them, tears quickly softened the pain. Trying to sit up I felt an arm push me back, then a face blocked the light, Takashi.

     "What? What happened?" I asked trying to release myself from his grip. Lips pressed against mine and as a wet substance hit my cheek. The tears in my eyes hadn't fallen yet so I knew they couldn't have been mine. The lips that were once on mine pulled away.

     "You scared me." A deep voice shook, it was hard to recognize since it wasn't monotonous like usual, but that was for sure Takashi.

     "Takashi, what happened?" I asked again, the memory of earlier was still fuzzy.

     "I love you."

     "What?" I whispered in disbelief, first of all I don't even know what happened, secondly did he just kiss me, and lastly did I just hear that right?"

      "I love you Aspen Marie Kudo." Yup there it is again, I pushed myself up to look at Takashi. His eyes stared straight into mine not leaving them. I could feel my face slowly flushing a bright red before I choked out the words.

     "I love you too..." A smile broke out onto his face causing one to follow on mine too. "What brought this on, and What the HELL happened?"

     "I just, I didn't want to lose you again. Mitsukuni hit a can of red paint. It got all over your clothes, and caused a panic attack I guess." Takashi shrugged looking away slightly embarrassed from his previous actions.

     "Mitsukuni did? That stu-. You know what, breathe Aspen breathe." I spoke to my self. Well at least Mitsukuni did me a favor. Composing myself a mischievous smile etched itself onto my face. "Hey Takashi?"

     "Yes Aspen."

     "Tell me you love me again." I teased.

     "I lov-" Takashi was cut off as my lips crashed against him.

     "Wrong answer." I smiling at the giant looked lost to himself, confused with what I had just done. Quickly recognizing the empty room, I jumped my train of thoughts. "Oh right! Where are the rest of the hosts?"

     Takashi shook his head, amazed at the speed I changed attitudes at. The door of the host club room slammed open as the two of us were attacked by the devil twins.

     "Aspen and Mori sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." The twins sung spinning circles around us. Takashi put on a stoic face while I hid mine in my arms embarrassed for the two of us.

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