Chapter 33

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Note: I will not be updating next week because of homework so I tried writing a long chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Madison groaned in delight, "I feel so clean." She rubbed both her arms looking at her now clean light skin.

Adira let out a slight chuckle as her niece acted as if it's the first time she's been clean. The two girls were walking back to their room after having taken half an hour shower- an hour for Adira to get the black substance off of her. They had no clue if the guys were done with their shower so they decided to not wait for them, if they were in the shower.

Madison continued to rant about how clean she felt and she was so pumped up Adira could have sworn the water rinsed away Madison's tiredness and negative energy. When the room came into sight, they saw Richie walking out of the room next to theirs with Jane holding his hand.

"Hey, Richie." Madison greeted as soon as she saw him.

"Hey." Richie greeted back with a smile, "Veronica gave us an extra room just in case we were cramped in the other room." He informed them.

"Oh okay cool." Adira nodded.

"Yeah so I and Dan decided we'll take it and you four could take the other room, if that's okay?"

"That's fine." Adira commented, "If you want too."

"Where are you going?" Madison asked him as a clean Dan walked out of the room.

"Get some food." Dan answered, "Veronica came up while you two were still in the shower and informed us that supper is ready if we wanted to head down to the cafeteria and get some food."

"We're taking Jane and Tyler too." Richie made sure to inform her, "I already asked Chad and he said its fine just to keep an eye on the two."

"Oh um-"

"I want food." Madison piped in interrupting Adira, "I am starving. Can I go?"

"Sure." Dan answered.

"I'll watch her." Richie assured Adira, "I swear."

"Okay then." She smiled, "Sure. Go get some food." She told Madison, "But gives me this." She took Madison's dirty clothes from her hands.

Madison dropped the clothes in Adira's arms before standing near Richie and Jane, "Let's go."

"If Tyler is going then where is he?" Adira noticed her nephew's absence.

"Oh he's already down there saving us a spot." Richie answered pointing behind him.

"Oh okay and Chad is he still showering?" Adira question before Richie turned to walk in the other direction.

"Nope he's in the room." Richie pointed to the door, "He said he wanted to wait for you."

"Oh okay. Thanks." Adira smiled and opened the door slightly, "We'll be down in a few. I just need to put these away." She said motioning to the clothes in her hand.

"Alright." Richie said turning around and walking away.

"I am so starving." Madison chirped rubbing her stomach as she walked away with Richie and Dan, "I worked up an appetite getting so clean."

Adira lightly chuckled at her a smile creeping up to her face as she pushed the door open and walked into the room. Standing by the bed with a backpack on the bed was a shirtless Chad with his back facing the door. The sound of the door closing shut behind Adira made Chad turn his head towards the door to see Adira smiling at him.

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