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"Danny!!! Come get your food." Mom calls. I didn't answer I laid in bed. "Danny!!! You need to eat." Mom heard my mom walk in my room. "Danny wake up." She shook me arm a little. I wake up and saw she had a plate for me. I took the plate. Mom looked at me. "Danny. What happened to your face." She started to worry. I started crying. She pulled me close to her when dad walked in. "I'm home from the meeting. Sorry i-" he stopped. "What's wrong with our son?" Dad ask. I push mom away and ran out the door. "Danny come back." Dad called with worry in his voice. I kept running. Then I realize I didn't eat food mom brought me. I got worried about mom finding out what is going on at school. I ran until I was deep in the woods and was lost.

I cried for a long time. Then I heard laughing and hissing. I know those hisses. They were from the evil vampires. Yes there are two vampires one good and the other bad. The good ones like human. The bad ones like naked bat and are deadly. I heard the sound of foot steps. I jump up and run. I heard a screaming."Jase! Teddy! They are getting to close." I heard a little girl say. I look up to see a little girl about 5 with long brown hair and bright blue eyes swinging through the tree. She didn't have shoes on. She was moving quickly until she slipped. It scared me. I have to help her. I jumped up and open my small wings. I was going to try to fly from the first time. I flap my wings and up I go. I grab her before she hits the ground. She fights me when I land. The landing was rough. I fell down with her. "Who do you think you are touching me like that? " she was a little mad. "IiiiiI'm Danny." I said shyly. She looked at me. "I don't mean to make you cry. I just don't like being touched. By the I'm Alex." Alex said. She puts her hand out I shake it. "It wasn't you." I said softly. "Then who?" Alex ask. "Teenagers." I cried. "What did th-" Alex didn't get to finish. "Alex where did you go?" Two boys came running. One with light blue eyes and brown hair and the other with black hair and dark blue eyes ." These are my brothers. They're twins. This is Jase...." she points a at the one with brown hair "and this is Teddy." She pointed at the black haired one. Alex ignored her brother at looked right at me. Get eyes get big as did her smile. "Danny!!!! Oh my-! You're Danny Flames!!" Alex was jumping up and down. "Who?" Teddy and Jase said. "He's the dragon Prince and future alpha of his pack. He's a dragon and a werewolf." Alex said. Then she tells them my parents story. It guess when I was born I surprise the world. My eyes got bigger and bigger as she went on. "How did you know this?" I ask.

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