Chapter #21

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I'm finally back. I'm going to be working on my story everyday again. It's going to get interesting.

I'm sorry for the delay. Life always throws curveballs and I've had quite a few in the past month.

Much love guys.❤️

Crystal's p.o.v-

Andy was irritated with me. I could tell by the way he avoided simple touches and conversation. Every time I thought it though he would hold my hand and squeeze it tightly.

Before we left he had put our rings on silver chains and we hid them under our shirts. So our thoughts were safe from the others and that gave me a sense of relief.

Of course the way Andy was acting didn't.

We were now sitting on the plane on our way to New York and he was so focused on his notebook. He was writing lyrics. I had almost forgotten all about Black Veil Brides. How could I?

They were working on their new album and Andy had been M.I.A for quite a bit now. He told the guys he had a family emergency. He hates lying to them and I hated that he had to lie to them.

At least he had been sending them material. When we got back from New York he was going to meet up with them and spend a week working in the studio from dawn until dusk.

Our lives were a complete mess. I couldn't wait to see Asher. I felt so empty without him. And now Andy was being distant. I could barely stand it.

And to top it off, we were at war and amongst a traitor. If that was so, it was either my father or my brother whom I had just met. So f*ucked up. So completely and utterly f*ucked up.

I just wanted to scream my lungs out and run for the d*amn hills. Why did this have to be my d*amn destiny? Why couldn't it have been someone else? I wasn't equipped to deal with all of this s*hit.

It had only been a year ago that I was a normal human girl. Starting her studies, hanging with Jess... whom I missed so much. I texted her often. She asked me what was going on, on a daily basis and I always had to tell her we were handling the situation and everything was going to be alright.

I glanced over at Andy who was still intensely focused on his writing. At that moment- I felt so alone.

He didn't look up or acknowledge what I had thought. He probably wasn't paying attention to my thoughts, since he was so focused on writing.

I had really hurt him. I had kept a secret from him. Who was I now, really? I felt like I was changing dramatically. Ever since turning...

"You'll always be my Crystal." At that moment, Andy's eyes met mine and he smiled sweetly.

"Y-you were... listening?"

"Yes. I'm always listening to you my love."

He put down the notebook and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly.

I could feel my body tremble underneath his touch. The relief it gave me was unmatched.

"Nothing will ever change between us. Not our love or our life together. No matter how upset we get with each other. We belong to each other."

Well now I felt guilty.

"Why would you feel guilty for feeling the way you do? You should never feel sorry for feeling."

"You know-" I began. "Even though I thoroughly enjoy our stronger bond, it can get quite... frustrating to be able to hear one and another's thoughts. You seem better at it than me. I listen to yours, but I really have to focus."

"You will get better." He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "It takes time. I'm a tad bit older than you. You have very heightened emotions. The way you feel now can block out thoughts and only allow you to focus on your feelings. It's part of your gift. No we don't quite understand it fully yet but there's a purpose to it."

I smiled at him. He always knew what to say. He knew how to play me like a guitar.

"I like that analogy. I can definitely make you sing for me." He teased, with a toothy grin.

"Always..." I muttered.

"I love you Crystal."

"I love you too baby."


When we landed, it didn't take long for us to get our luggage. The guys went to get the luggage while I went to the bathroom to freshen up and put on some different clothes.

As soon as I walked into the largest stall at the end of the row I knew something wasn't right.

"Our bond is stronger than I realized."

I turned quickly, pressing my back up against the wall, holding my hands up in a fighting stance.

"How the h*ell did you get in here?" I growled at a smiling Emmett. He was rubbing the stubble on his chin while examining me up and down. I was going to clock him if he didn't stop.

"If you hit me sweetheart, I'd probably enjoy it too much."

"How the f*uck did you just hear me?"

He laughed loudly, holding up his hand, wiggling his fingers.

He was wearing a ring.

"I'm royalty love. Of course I have a ring."

"It was you." I growled again.

He paused for a second, sifting through my thoughts but of course.

"Odd.... no. That wasn't me. I have no connection to whoever that is..." I watched him continue to look like he was in deep thought. I couldn't read them though.

"I have something much stronger than these dumb little rings. I just needed one to get into your head." He smirked.

"You need to leave. Now." I hissed.

"I had originally come only to talk to you. But after discovering your secret 'informant' who's trying to meet you here in New York, I'm afraid I can't let you out of my site."

He took a step closer and my whole body jerked and before I knew it I was throwing a punch at his face. Of course he swerved out of the way, grabbing my wrist and twisting me around so my back slammed into his chest.

I growled and bit his arm.

"That's not a good idea sweetheart. I don't think you want to taste my blood." He was right I didn't want that connection with him.


"It would do more than connect us... further. You would rip my clothes off right here and right now.... by the way, Andy isn't coming. He already thinks you're with him."

I made a humph noise in the back of my throat. "I would never want you. You piece of s*hit. And what do you mean Andy thinks I'm with him?"

I felt Emmett's breath in my ear and I shuddered. "I know many people with many skills." And then I felt his lips on my neck.

"Don't-" I jerked my body but he held me.

"Of course not love. Not in an airport bathroom. Our first time is going to be incredibly special."

That's when I felt it. A sharp stabbing pain in the side of my thigh, and my world went black.

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