Meet Task

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Nobody is really a fan of first person stories so I guess i'll save something later, I'm Task, weird name right? You are probably thinking
"well what the fuck is this" I call it a readers view, where i'm the character but it's a A/N. The story will be shown so don't worry!

Chapter 1

Pachelbel is screaming in class again, I still cannot believe i'm here. The School of Mass Idiots- what I call it at least, apparently seeking the only nostalgic feeling in the world is weird to people, well here I am. Questionable enough to screaming and stretching mouths to the galore of shining glasses being a fetish this school exists for the MI, aka the mentally insane.
Pachelbel or Pach as the teachers call him, has a...well he screams a lot, for no reason at all, he looks over at me mid screech "Task got anywhere to be after inferno?" That's what we call our school. Pach is my best friend here, sadly we really can't spend

time together due to everybody claiming we are unstable on a flight of stairs and locking us in what they say is a room and giving us what seems to be NyQuil.
Me and Pach are the closest to normal in this least he is. Considering me having a constant feeling of a killing spree and the fact i'm very funny doesn't interest the guards one bit, apparently Pach even screams in his sleep. They do let us outside though, so I pass Pach a piece of paper
    'outside of inferno at 3:50? they say they are having construction and sending us back to our families'
He looked in awe at the note. I hoped he hadn't done that cause now the teacher was walking over, she was what I called a bag of rocks, she taught us German or English, I couldn't tell which but this is no holiday to the kids at the insane inferno or us, everyone loved being noticed as normal but we are still kids so they teach us regularly, so whenever a normal teacher realized we had the same mind as anyone else outside the inferno of hell they had the floor to tell us off and treat us like absolute freaks, Pach was about to hand the note over to the bag of rocks as every child lined up in auditorium like seats stared in horror "Pach no!" I went for it, I was going berserk- what the 'normal people' called it. We were going to need a new teacher after this defiantly. I reached and grabbed her neck instead of the note, her skin wasn't soft like the old teachers it was like a burlap sack, oh the
things I did to that poor bag of rocks, instead of writing paragraphs on how she despised us she was now on the floor of the room after being slammed against a desk and head split in more ways then one, now they stared in true terror, I felt a little anxious
Thats what they called it, no one really cared now it was just another teacher taken by Task
'Poor poor Task'
'The little one must be so sad'
Well oops, I wasn't wearing anything I really liked anyway it was just jeans and a overly common baggy sweater to bring out the red in my brown trapper keeper.
"Oh wow another exaggerated serial killer kid story" is what you probably know now because of Donovan Yukul, the kid who narrates everything. I decide to slump back into my chair as Pachelbel looked back to me "So after Inferno right?"

A/N- I hope you guys like it! Kinda common but if it peaks interest I hope I can make it interesting.

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