Not so Funny

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This is a bit of a filler, sorry for being so rushed, but i'm going quick on this so if you want more just tell me.

Short notes with no background with the grinding of strings bloodying ears, my favorite sound, heard right in the halls. They must be trying to find me, they lure the kids out from hiding with their favorite sounds instead of sirens, pretty nice of them if you ask me. "What's that?" He looks puzzled but terrified at the same time with a quirk in his face. "My favorite sound" he must not have been given my file, time to talk it up. "So what brought you here?" Quarreled he looks at me, "My dad signed me up" he looks ready to shake, and who signs their kid up for this wow dad of the year award, he is an intern so it's probably his boss. "Why'd you kill her?" Now i'm the puzzled one. "So you are going to talk." My last response, i'm cut off they start playing something louder, much more the blaring type, piano shrills to foghorns of the east I clutch my ears. I shrivel into my fetal position but quickly unwind, "What is this hell?!" He looked ready to cry now. "What time is it?" I ask. "How can you ask that?!" Well I did need the time, "just tell me" well they should find me soon, "it's 2:06" perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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