2-Nightmares Do Come True

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Third person


She tosses and turns in her restless sleep. Her long black hair entangles her like a web, trapping her in her nightmares.

These nightmares were a natural occurrence. They caused dark purple rings under her eyes. Yes, she did sleep but it wasn't a full night of sleep. She would often wake up in the middle

Of the night finding herself crying and sweating in the darkness that encased her.

Lately, she had been having one nightmare that would visit her every night. Almost like a warning.

In the 'dream' she would wake up from her slumber as if it were really happening. Looking around she would notice it was just her in the room and fall back to sleep. As she almost falls back to sleep something weighs her down. She opens her eyes to be greeted by an unfamiliar but terrifying face.

His unblinking eyes were ringed with black, not eyeliner, but charred flesh. His burnt coal hair hung in his face as if it were attempting to keep attention away from his eyes to his...mouth. His mouth was sliced from ear to ear forming a permanent smile.

He leaned over her, pressing a cold knife to her throat. He looks into her eyes and she looks back. Then he whispers 'Go to sleep.'

This dream had caused her to stir awake again. This time when she looked around there was someone. All she could see was his sinister grin that was illuminated by the moonlight.

He rushed at her but she did not move. He looked into her eyes and saw that there was no emotion in the pools of green. He put the knife to her throat. She didn't tense up, scream, or flinch....it was like she was expecting it.

This threw him off. He was horrifying. How is she not shaking and begging for her life?

Something deep inside of him tells him 'not her,' and he tries to fight the voice he lost not too long ago. He can't find it in himself to end her.

Changed: Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now