Heisenberg and Schrödinger

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Heisenberg and Schrödinger get pulled over for speeding. The cop asks Heisenberg, "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Heisenberg replies, "No, but we know exactly where we are."

The officer looks at him confused and says, "You were going 112 mph."

Heisenberg throws his arms up and shouts, "Great! Now we're lost!"

The cop looks over the car and asks Schrödinger if the two men have anything in the trunk. "A cat." Schrödinger replies.

The cop opens the trunk and yells, "Hey! Did you know this cat is dead?!"

Schrödinger angrily replies, "We do now!"

Jokes. Still hilarious.

BECAUSE of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: the more accurately you know your position, the less accurately you can know your momentum and vice versa
AND Schrödinger's cat: a cat, some poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a box. The poison will be released if the radioactive source (unpredictably) emits radiation (i.e. an atom decaying). According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, the cat is considered both dead and alive, but if you open the box you can only see either a live cat or a dead one.

You can look them up if you're still confused.

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