Maybe pizza will be our always

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your at home, Thursday night, studying, and jamming to Demi Lovato all at the same time. 

you decided to order a pizza because what's a night without some pizza??

You ordered your usual topping and waited impatiently for you pizza to arrive, growling noises were coming from your stomach, you look down and patted it whispering "you'll be fed soon" and waited more impatiently

an hour later you hear a loud knock on the door.

you dropped your phone, grabbed the nearest pen and some money from your bag

running down the stairs, nearly falling you swing open the door to find a very attractive boy in his uniform holding your dinner. 

"Uhh.. 18 dollars please" he says looking stray at you

Damn is he fine!

you hand him the money as he exchanges you for the recite to sign. 

you grab your pen and write on the door, signing your signature on the slip of paper.

"Actually can I see the pen real quick?" he asks 

"yeah uh sure" you say confused as you stare at him as he wrote something on the cardboard box.

he hands you the box "you're really pretty by the way" he says, before you could thank him he heads off to his car and leaves.

you brought the pizza inside and realized what was written on the front.

"Not normally supposed to give my number out during working hours but I know it'll be worth it, text me? :) - Grayson" 

Later that night you finished your box of pizza and study and decided to text Grayson, turns out you two were the same age and wanted to hang out sometime. 

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