I love her

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Your parents didn't like Ethan, they thought he was a bad influence and is immature. They think he is bad for whatever reasons and you hate it, they limit how many times you go out with him, which is barely and your tired of it.


My parents hate Ethan & I have no idea why, he is the most sweetest guy I've ever met, he treats me well and my parents don't see that. 

I had plans today and I had to lie where I was going and with who, it was hard to lie to my parents like this but this is what it has come to..

I grabbed my pink bag from the kitchen floor and grabbed my house keys from the counter and made my way to  entrance door.

"and where are you going?" my dad asked as he muted the t.v waiting for my response

"going to the beach with Myla, won't be out long" you reply 

"okay,stay safe" he says turning back to his sports network. 

I head outside to see Ethan's car parked in the corner, I didn't want my parents to see his car, they would recognize it quick.

Approaching the car I opened the door to hear The Jonas Brothers blaring through the speakers. 

"High heels! Red Dress!" Ethan sang along

I shook my head and called out to him, which startled him.

"oh hey babe, how long were you standing there?" he asked nervously laughing 

"long enough" I say climbing into the seat

 I greeted him with a long kiss "I missed ya" 

"I missed you too babe" he says grabbing my hand and intertwining it. 

Along the way, you listened to Jonas Brothers the whole car ride and sang along to the lyrics.

"Year 3000 is defiantly the best" Ethan says putting the car in park mode.

"agreed" you say getting out

the weather was nice and sand felt warm, you closed your eyes and just stood there

"Beautiful day with my beautiful girlfriend" You hear Ethan's voice from behind and you feel his arm go around your neck

"you're so cheesy" I saying resting your head on his shoulder

"but you love it" he says 

The rest of the hours we spent splashing at each other and play fighting.

I looked up to the sky to see the sun has been setting.

"Oh shoot Ethan, I need to get home!" I say running to the car 

"Ah babe wait! slow down!" Ethan running after

"they're going to kill me" I say already buckled in

Ethan placed the towels in the back and made his way to the front.


"Thank you for today, I needed to get away" I say kissing his cheek 

"anything for you angel" he says as he watches me head out the car

I turned around to see my parents standing in the doorway

I froze as you backed up a little

"This is not what I was expecting" Ethan whispered


"Young lady, didn't we say no more seeing this savage boy??" dad said angirly 

"It's my fault" Ethan said standing quickly being shutdown when dad shouted at him to shut-up 

"dad..please, let him go"

"I obviously need to lay the boundaries again Mr.Dolan, no more seeing Y/N, got it?" My dad said looking dead straight at Ethan 

"No, I don't get it, I really like your daughter and  I don't want to do this anymore, I'm tired of fighting with you to be with her, why can't you see that we're happy, that she's happy, Mr.Y/N, I love Y/N I never will stop and if it means crossing the lines, sneaking around even more, I'll be damned but it'll be worth it because I truly do love being with her, I'm not going to let you separate us"

My dad stood there quiet, I stood up and behind ethan as held my hand, both of us starring at my dad as he had his thinking face on 

"I see you both really love each other, I didn't want to get in the way of that.. she's my daughter, I'm a dad, gotta understand right?" my dad chuckled 

"I'm sorry I misread you Ethan, you got a good heart, don't break her heart, or I'll break yours..physically" dad threatened then laughed afterwards

He patted his back and us two stood there frozen, shocked

Mom also came in and hugged us both and apologized "We just wanted Y/N to be happy and not heartbroken" she said and left the room 

"W-was that an approval??" I asked still in shock 

I didn't want to know or even cared as long as you don't have to be sneaking around you were happy.

I jumped into his arms and we did a mini celebration. 

It was all good 

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