Breakdown (G)

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*trigger warning, a death of a parent is brought upon* 

You just got the worst news of your life "I don't know how to tell you this, but your mom is dead" your world has come crashing down, all the walls feel like they are caving in, you can't breathe, nothing escapes your mouth but a scream. Your legs go weak, you fall to the ground screaming, Grayson runs from the other room yelling your name as you sob on the floor. He is at your side hugging your entire body with his, as Your tears hit the floor. He doesn't speak and lets you cry it out. "why her? why me?" you sob out. He Cradles you into his lap, Revealing your tear stained face as more stream down your face. You were finally ready to say what this is all about "M-my mom died" you choke out, Grayson gasps "no" he's shocked. He loves your mom so much, he treated her like she was his own mother. Tears started to stream down his face as he sniffles, showing he is sadden by the news.  "I'm so sorry Y/N" he hugs you tighter. You place your hands on his arms, closing your eyes as you both grieve in silence. 


this was so sad to write wow 

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