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I fell from the reality to the unknown. The last thing I ever remembered was the son of the principal Fernard.
"Follow me and I'll give you a hundred".
Ahhhh.... Now I remember. The problem now is that my head hurts like it's spliting in to two.
But that doesn't matter. What that matters is... WHERE THE HECK AM I!!!???
I glanced left and right. But all I can see is never ending darkness.
5 minutes ago I stopped falling. But now I don't know where am I.

Then I suddenly heard footsteps.
"Who's there? Will you care to explain where am I?" I asked and demanded fimly.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah. Hold it right there. I can explain later but first, I'm gonna ask questions." The dude covers himself in the dark then speaks again. "First of all, who the heck are you? Second, why are you here? Third, did he comanded you to come here? Fourth, why is a mere human like you here anyway? And last, I don't accept strangers, so bye." He started to slowly walk away.
"H-hey! Can you atleast help me?"
I requested weakly. Then he sighed.
"I'm gonna answer your 4 questions if you help me."
I smirked. He sighed once again.
"Fine. Follow me." He started to walk away again then he puts his hand to his pockets. He started toutter something, except I can hear it hehehe. Here is what that bruh said.
"Past... Future... But is this present? Why is she even here? What the heck was he even thinking? Ha... Whatever Jackson.
He's always mysterious.




You know I know that your reading my mind, noob."
Oops. Then he turned back to me. He smirked.
"Reading other person's mind is awesome. But just don't let it get through you. Remember, powers, skills, and other supernatural things can also turn bad due to misuse. Especially at youngsters your age." He frowned a bit.
"Okay... Let's just get goin'."
I hurriedly ran up to him.
Wonder where Xi is now...


[Somewhere in reality]
"Aww~ that's so cute of Trius to think of me. Isn't it, Herod?"
I asked him in a very cute way.
"Yeah. My sis is all grown up. The last time I saw her was she was a baby but, it only feels like a minute ago then suddenly poof!
She's now like this." He smiled like her sister ia his own daughter.
"I'm so proud of her!!!" He started sniffing as if he was crying.
I sighed.
"I'm gonna go check on her. Laters Herod." I waved goodbye.

I started to mutter something.
"May our fates interwine, and see each other's destiny." I then smirk. Looks like being like this is limiting me more. I should visit father sometime.


[Back to the Unknown]
I followed the dude to his place.
It is... Anime-ted. This. Is. Paradise. My eyes started to glitter in awe. It is like a dream dimension. I started to skip around.
"Lalala~ anime's mah thing. This is paradise!" I opened my arms like I was hugging the air.
Xi gotta see this! Where is he anyway.
"So... What is your name then?"
He sat then asked me.
"Lextrius Ohkord. How 'bout you?" I asked him with a grin.
"Me? Would you even care."
He rested his gaze upon me.
"Of course I do. You yourself is also mysteroius."
"Also?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. You know that Jackass dude."
"It's Jackson." He narrowed his eyes.
"Oh. Sorry." I scratched the back of my head.
"Okay. Fine, I forgive you. My name is Revul. Came from the word 'refuge' which means to refuse doing bad things and the name of the God of fire and metalworks, Vulcan His other name is Hephateus I think."
Cool. So he refuses doing bad things? More like refuses doing good things. Hehehe.
"I heard that." He narrowed his eyes once again.
Then he sighed.
"Kids these days... Can't they respect."
"I heard that too. Plus you're a kid yourself." I folded my arms.
"Watch your words. I'm not a teen, I may look one, but I'm tons and tons older than you."

"So your like... A hundred?"

"Older than that. I do look young though." He smirks, damn. He looks good. Wait. The heck am I thinking!? He leans closer to me. Closer. Closer. I'm melting stop.
Then he looks in my eyes sternly then to my lips. He puts his fingers gently and slowly to my chin. Is he a pervert? I think i'm gonna seriously blush. Good thing I didn't. Phew.
"You reminded me of... My old friend. Someone special.." He then lets go and sat back to the chair. Someone special? Like anime? XD! He looks hot though, and cute. Wait! He might be reading my mind! >X<!!!
"Got that right." He laughs at my thoughts.
"Wasn't my problem! You're the one who red it!!! Hmph!" Now I TOTALLY miss Xi... Wherever he is, I miss him.
"Anyways, Welcome, Lost one,"
He paused a bit.
"To your new place."

The guy up there is Revul!!!

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