Chapter 3

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"We booked our flight those years ago 

You said you loved me as you left me. 

Regrets still haunt your saddened head, But I promised you that I will see you," -Black Veil Brides, Mortician's Daughter

Chapter 3

After Heba had fully described his dream, shocking himself at how detailed they had been, he tucked his journal away under his bed mattress and stretched his stiff form.

He looked to his watch and read that it was only ten in the morning. Nodding at that he grabbed his cloths and went for a quick shower, feeling gross at having not taken one in about two days. 

Once he was fully clean he headed downstairs and smiled to his brother who sat at the table with a white haired boy and a blond haired boy. As Heba approached the three heads looked up to him, and Yugi smiled.

"Good morning Heba."

"Morning Yugi." He responded taking a seat at the table.

"Heba these are my friends, Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar." Yugi introduced, pointing to each one.

Heba looked to the both of them, offering a smile. "Hello, I am Heba Moto." He introduced, and they nodded there heads. 

"Ryou." The albino one said, smiling brightly to Heba. 

"Malik." The Egyptian said almost boredly, his eyes seeming to size him up before there eyes connected. "You really are the reincarnation of Emperor Heba."

Heba blinked before a long sigh escaped him. He honestly felt the need to bash his head onto the table. He had enough of that magic crap with his dream last night. Sure, they made him curious and he questioned them because of how detailed they were, but he didn't really want them to be real or deal with more magic crap. "Sorry you have the wrong tan tri-colored haired teen. Try the crimson eyed tall one upstairs." Heba mildly joked.

Malik rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh. He was almost as simple minded as his past self and Malik should know, he remembered his past life like his sister, Joey, Seto, and Ryou did. The only one who didn't was poor Yugi. "I am not joking Heba. Besides, Atem is Pharaoh."

Heba blinked at that before a burst of laughter escaped him. He looked to Malik and shook his head, his laughs calming down to a few giggles. "I heard that last night but I was so jet legged and tired none of it really sunk in. Sorry, but I wont be a part of your live action role play."

With that said and Malik cursing at him, he got up from the table and walked over to the door, grabbing his leather jacket and slipping it on.

"Where are you going Heba?" He heard Yugi ask, sounding tired and a slight bit irritated. Was it because of him? Well he couldn't really blame him. He had practically been mocking the boy.

He looked over his shoulder to him and smiled lightly. "To apply at Domino University. I want to be a medical student."

Yugi nodded and Heba opened the door, closing it softly behind him. Sure when Malik had said he was that other Heba, he had believed him slightly. He could just hear the honestly in the boys words and see the truth in his eyes, but he didn't want to believe it.

When he thought of Heba, thought of that little girl... Amara? In his dream, he got a sense of dread, regret, unfulfillment. It just hurt his heart and made what felt like an emptiness in him appear. He didn't like it an didn't understand it.

Heba stopped in the middle of the park he was walking through to get to the school, and looked over at a screaming girl. He watched her run over to her fathers screaming 'Papa, Daddy I have a boo-boo!'. A small smile formed on his lips, and he pictured that little girl from his dreams doing the same to him and Atem.

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