Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Heba sighed as he sat down at the desk in his room, the small box with the cartouche Ishizu gave him sitting on his desk in front of him. He casted it a glare as he pondered what exactly to do with it. When Ishizu gave it to him, the words she said made him think that it was the solution to all of his problems. 

What a ridiculous thought. An inanimate object could not solve his problems...


A long sigh escaped him, and he picked up the small box, opening it and taking out the cartouche. He held it gently in his hand and continued to stare at it before the need to put it on started to fill him. Heba blinked but compelled to what it wanted, slipping the thin rope over his head and placing it around his neck. 

The second the cartouche fell against his chest, an unbearable heat irrupted there, spreading through his body as a pounding pain coursed through his head. The teen gasped and slid off the chair to his knees, his hands going up to clutch his head, willing the pain to stop. 

Eventually it became to much, and the slow darkness of unconsciousness started to consume him.

You Can't Deny It.☆ 

A light groan escaped Heba as he forced his eyes open. He blinked slowly a few times as he took in his surroundings. It was completely pitch black, and there was an eerie echo sounding throughout the room.

He slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position and glanced around, blinking when there was a faint glow coming toward him. He blinked a few times to try and see it yet he couldn't. He couldn't see what it was, and he couldn't hear anything either. It was as if everything was being blocked out, muted like a television. 

The Answer That You Wish To Seek, 

Heba blinked at the sound of a voice that reached not his ears, but his head. He heard it... but not through his ears. It was like, it was directly implanted into his head. And it sounded like, his own voice. "What the hell is going on..." He whispered into the silence. 

The teen pulled himself to his feet and looked around, once again spotting that faint glow. He started to walk toward it, feeling like it was pulling at him and telling him to do so. It's not like he had anything to lose anyway. 

I Have it. But You Must Open Your Eyes And Ears To Me.

Heba blinked as the voice radiated through his head again. What did it mean exact? It was talking as if he was purposely closing himself off from whatever  that thing was. Which he wasn't of course.... was he?

He didn't even know what the thing was, how was he supposed to know what he was doing or not doing. Heba sighed, this was getting so confusing. Heba soon reached the floating ball of light and he felt almost, a sense of familiarity come from it. 

It was an odd feeling. 

"What are you?" Heba asked it.

I Am You

It responded into his head yet again, and as Heba went to respond, the floating ball seemed to morph, the light glowing and changing shape. The teen blinked and shielded his eyes as the light became so bright it hurt to look at. 

Once it died down he opened his eyes back up and slowly looked over to the.... to himself? Heba blinked a few times and realized he was in fact looking at a replica of himself, dressed in an ancient Kimono. 

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