Chapter 10

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A few weeks later

My eyes shoot open and I breath heavily. Another nightmare.. I turn around in the bed and rub my eyes. What time is it? I look over at my alarm and see that it's 8.30PM. I should get out of bed. I probably won't be able to sleep anymore. It's been a few weeks now since Justin and I broke up and I'm still not feeling any better. I keep having nightmares and honestly I don't really see any reason to stay alive except for Haley, of course. I'm gonna do my very best to be a great mom to her, ever since she won't ever have a dad. Only thinking about it makes me sad so I try to distract myself from the thought as I get dressed.

I walk to Haley's room and open the door. I walk over to her crib and see she's awake.

"Good morning, angel." I say and lift her out of the crib. I hold her into my arms as I walk downstairs with her. I prepare a bottle for her and feed it to her. After I did that I make myself some breakfast and eat it. I walk upstairs again and place Haley back into her crib, giving her a baby toy before walking into the bathroom. I untie my hair and brush it, sighing again. Why do I even put in effort in making myself look pretty every morning? There's nobody to show it off to anymore. But whatever, I'll still do it. I apply a little bit of mascara and brush my teeth.

I hear the doorbell and raise my eyebrow. Who could it be? I walk downstairs and open the door, seeing Ross standing there.

"Hey, Laura!" He says and smiles.

"Hi Ross, come in." I smile and greet him with a hug. I step aside from the door opening and let him walk in.

"I was a bit bored." He says and sits down on my couch. I chuckle a bit and sit down next to him.

"And then you come to see me?" I ask, chuckling a bit.

"Well, yeah. I figured that you can use some company." He says and I nod.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please. Some water would be nice." Ross says. I get up and walk to the kitchen, grabbing two glasses and filling them with water. I walk back into the living room and place the glasses on the table, sitting down next to Ross again.

"Where is Haley?" Ross asks.

"She's upstairs. Would you like to see her?" I ask. Ross nods happily and we both get up. I walk upstairs and he follows me. I walk into Haley's room and look at her, she's still awake. She was playing with the toy I gave her. I lift her out of her crib and hold her into my arms, she continued to play with her toy.

"Would you like to hold her?" I ask Ross, looking up at him.

"I'd love to." He says with a cheeky smile. I carefully place Haley into his arms and make sure her head is supported. He smiles while looking down at her.

"She looks a lot like you." He says and looks at me. I smile softly.

After a little while we walk downstairs and sit down on the couch again.

"How have you been, since the last time I saw you?" Ross asks. I sigh softly and look up at him.

"Not really any better. It sucks.." He frowns and keeps looking at me.

"Sometimes I just want to punch him in the face." He says.

"Yeah, me too." I say.

"I just wish I could do anything that would make you feel better, but I don't know what." Ross says.

"I don't know what would make me feel better right now. But thanks, Ross, it means a lot to me." I say and smile softly.

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking. Mostly about what happened to me. Ross is quite good at comforting people. It felt good to talk about my problems with someone. He made me realise that this is not the end of the world and that I have to fight for myself. I want to feel happy again. And I will make sure that I'm happy again soon.

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