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Today I am free because it's Sunday and it's real shiny outside
So me and Riley are going to the beach so I can talk to you guys when we are back from the beach BYE...

So when I got home it was 8:30. And it was all a mess Riley was vomiting, singing and seeing things. Trust me,
We weren't drunk. But my mom had to prove it so she had us some test to see. So the result were that Riley was a little bit drunk... So my mom asked Riley's mom if she could stay in the house till tomorrow and she said no...
So my mom puts Riley to sleep with some sleeping pills and puts her into the car and drives her to her home...
The mother didn't suspect anything.
Dump mom...
Oh wait I forgot the fun part!
Riley woke up a told her mom that she was married and had a kid named
Shefairey and that he was black...
So RM rapidly called us and said
*She's drunk!
And we'll then she fell as sleep again
And my mom hung the call...
Today was *The worst day Ever

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