September/2/2014 Part 2

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When school ended I walked to the entrance and I saw Charlie there
Holding some Yellow roses with some purple tulips...
I did knew that he was going to be a change in my life but I didn't knew how I guess that her will be just a nice guy and so was I right!
So he asked his mother to drive use to the ice cream and so she did.
We stopped in a red light and he and her looked at me at the same time
And he had a small smile and she had the same face then a tear drop ran across her face and she look at Charlie and they looked like they understand each other just by looking in the eye.
She dropped us in a 5 minute length walk so that we had time to talk.
When she dropped us she looked at Charlie she smiled and said
She's the one...

We got out of the car we look at each other and when our eyes touched we blushed. He grabbed my hand I got closer to him we entered and he said:
What do you want to eat?
I said:
Well ice-cream I guess and vanilla with some white chocolate chips!
We both laughed and look at each other.

It was our turn to order. He ordered a vanilla ice-cream with rainbow colored sparkles.
I said to him: Girly i like it! And smiled. He said:
I like colors, what can I say, it's kinda my thing!
He and I smiled and I giggled.
They gave out the ice-cream and we sat at the far right table. We grabbed our spoons and ate 1 full spoon.

He asked what do I like doing.
I said: Sleeping, Eating and repeating.
He said: Me too, we have allot in common. No seriously what?

I said: Studying, being with my family, being in trips.
He asked: we're now you want to go to?
I responded: England, it's a dream land, it's like being a princess and the other people are so cool.
He said: Well that's a true dream.
I asked: What are your hobbies?
He said: Going to the Beach, Reading, Studying and being with my mom.

We asked each other lots of questions and then we had to go cuz it was already 10:30 and the store was just going to close.
His mom picked us up and drove me home and didn't asked us a question.
I guess she was going to ask Charlie when she got home.

I took a bath and I changed into my PJs and slept.
Today was so awesome and awkward.

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