Robin Hood (Jacob Frye)

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.(First Person P.O.V.). I decided to start labelling what point of view it is (>y<)

Edit: So I changed the title, I felt it was more suiting.

It was an average day in London for me, running away from guards. Held securely in my arms was a few loaves of bread in satchel that I 'borrowed' from the baker. And when I say borrowed, I mean borrowing without the giving back part. It was a rough life for us on the streets, everyone looked down on us poor folk. Our only options in this harsh life that we live in is to either steal or work in the factories, and most of the time, people wouldn't come out of the factories alive. I steal for the poor children, I steal for the weak and mistreated, I steal to help and not for greed. The rich and guards don't seem to get the idea though.

"It is just some bread! Leave me alone!" I yell over my shoulder at the two men chasing me down the street. I took a sharp turn down an alley, thinking I could outsmart them with my knowledge around the streets of London but it looks like my street smarts failed me today; I turned down the wrong bloody alley. I was met with a tall brick wall and two very angry guards behind me with their weapons at the ready.

"You're thieving days are over, girly!" One of the guards smirked. "Now before we get ya handled, we are going to rough you up a bit." With my pride taking over the best of me, I dropped my satchel and readied my fists.

"Oh! She thinks she can fight!" They both laughed but I didn't waver, my glare was strong. Before they could even make a step towards me, a man with his face covered with a dark hood jumped right on the guards, knocking them out.

"Are you okay, miss?" He asked while pulling down his hood. I won't lie, he was very handsome. The man had dark brown hair with eye's to match, a strong jaw, and a scar going through one of his eyebrows. I shook my head and picked my satchel from the cobblestone alley.

"I was doing just fine." My pride was getting the best of me; I could handle myself from a couple of pansy guards! "Now excuse me." I went to pass him but his gloved hand caught my arm.

"Do I not get a thank you for helping you?" He had a slightly shocked expression.

"I can handle myself. Now excuse me, I have urgent business." I try to pull myself away from the man but he had an iron grip.

"And what urgent business does a thief have?" He asked with a hum.

"You don't know me so let me go." This guy is being so rude!

"Let me join you then. I'm sure more guards will be searching for you."

"No, I am just fine on my own. Goodbye." I finally was able to pull my arm from his grasp and I quickly walked off. The man quickly jogged to me and began walking right next to me.

"Well, my name is Jacob Frye; you may have heard of me."

"Hmm, nope." I popped the 'p'. "Now leave me alone please." I huffed out and quickened my pace but Jacob easily kept up.

"Well I am the leader of the Rooks." He spoke like it was something to be proud of.

"Oh that gang that causes a bunch of trouble?"

"Yeah, but we cause it for a good reason. Which reminds me, what did you steal?"

"Why does it matter? Leave me alone, Jacob!" I started running away from him.

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