A Message For Haytham (Haytham Kenway)

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Im sorry-

You smile upwards to your lover and soulmate, Haytham Kenway. You knew of his Templar status as grandmaster but you didn't mind one bit. You loved him for him and not his status nor what he has done. You knew that under his 'rough' exterior he was a sweet, kind, understanding, determined man who knew how to treat you like you wanted to be treated.

"Haytham dear, please come back to me unharmed." You rested your hands on his firm chest.

"Of course, my love. Shay and I will return before sun down." He placed a quick, chaste kiss on your soft lips. "I love you, (Name)."

"I love you, Haytham." You smile and looked behind the British man to your best friend, Shay Cormac. "You too, Shay! I can't have my best friend injured as well."

"I will keep the both of us in tip top shape." Shay gave you a salute along with a cheeky grin. Haytham rolled his eyes before pulling you into a quick embrace.

"I will be back soon." You watched Haytham and Shay stalk off in one direction until they were out of sight. You let out a gentle sigh before closing the door, trying to think of something to occupy your time with. You decided cleaning would be your best choice ; no doubt Haytham and Shay will bring their Templar friends over. Although they could be loud and obnoxious in plenty of ways, they weren't really that bad of company.

You roll up the sleeves to your dress and begin to think of where to start. You decided on the kitchen first; knowing you left it a mess from breakfast. You made your way to kitchen and collected dirty plates and silverware from the table. You placed the small stack on the counter and went wipe down the table until the sound of the front door creaking open echoed through the quiet house. Your heart pounded loudly in your ears, your instincts were on full drive.

"(Name)?" You heard the familiar voice of Liam called out. Liam O'Brien used to be your other best friend but after taking the side of Shay; you both had a falling out. "It is your old friend Liam! Or have you forgotten about me already?"

"Liam, what are you doing here?" You answered to him. You hesitantly came into the living area; you saw him messing with a few of your small flower pots.

"I see you still like flowers." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Liam, answer my question." You were slowly backing up into the hallway that led to your room; that is were you kept your dagger that Haytham gave to you. 'I should of grabbed one from the kitchen...' You think to yourself.

"Don't be so scared of your old buddy, Liam. I am just here to pay a visit." He pauses for a moment before letting out hearty laugh; you were scared now. "Wait I am here on orders actually. You see, Chevalier de la Vérendrye sent me out to locate Grandmaster Kenway and find something precious to him to hurt him. Who would of known that, that thing was you." You didn't hesitate at this moment; you ran to your room and made sure to lock the door. You heard Liam's loud footsteps reach the door before he started banging on it. "Come on, (Name)! Don't be like this."

'I have got your escape. I need an escape.' You glance around your room and looked to your window. You grab your dagger and climbed over your bed to your window.


You glance behind you and see Liam had broken down the door. You also saw his own dagger was drawn as well.

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