Ice Skating (Shay Cormac)(Modern AU)

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.(First Person).

Shay finished helping tie my skates up as tight as they needed to be. My boyfriend and I decided to go on a date and he thought it would be a splendid idea to go ice skating; I wasn't all to happy with him. Shay, that clever bastard, knew I have never ice skated in my life.

"You ready to go, love?" My Irish boyfriend gave me a playful smirk.

"I just want to let you know, I hate you right now, Shay." I give him a glare and allowed him to help me up from the bench.

"Aw, don't be so mad. Just think about it, you get to hang all over me while I teach you to skate." I rolled my (eye color) eyes at him and then sigh.

"You better stay with me on the ice, got it?"

"I am at your service, my love." The Irishman gave a cheeky grin. I gripped tightly to his forearm as we made our way to the rink. Shay was walking easily along rubber floor while I needed to rely heavily on him. We came to a stop at the entrance to where the cold ice awaits. "Are you ready?"

"No but you are still going to make me go skating." He let out a loud laugh before stepping on to the ice with ease. I cautiously got myself onto the ice but I almost fell if it wasn't for Shay wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Be careful, lass. Don't need you falling when you haven't begun."

"Bite me, Shay."

"I will in privacy, my dear." I playfully hit his shoulder before he started moving, causing me to latch in to him. "You know (Name), in order for you to learn, you mustn't hang on me." We came to a stop. I quickly balanced myself with the wall before looping my arm with his

"Y-yeah... Well start teaching me Shay."

"The movements are like when you roller blade but let me guess; you haven't done that either?"

"I was more of a bicycle kind of girl. Well, show me the movements." Shay nodded and started skating slowly, pulling me along. I carefully watched his legs while he looked a head to make sure we wouldn't crash into any of the others on the ice rink. I tried my best to mimic his movements the best of my ability.

After a few times around the rink, I was started getting the hang of ice skating to the point I didn't need to hang onto Shay. Shay was really patient with me, always giving me tips, telling jokes, playful teasing me and being supportive all together.

"Look at you, Miss I Have Never Skated! You're almost a professional, lass!" Shay cheered with a cheeky grin.

"Oh stop it." I laugh. I take a look down at my feet and back at the tall Irishman. "I think I am going to take a break and sit on the bleachers; my ankles are killing me."

"Do you want me to join you?"

"No it's okay, you can keep skating." I smile and made my way to the exit and to the bleachers. I searched around the rink and saw my handsome boyfriend skating around. He looked towards me an smirked as he dashed around faster, most likely trying to show off. I giggled as I watched him make funny faces every time he passed by. I love him so much.

I heard giggling near my right, I turned my head and saw three very pretty girls giggling and laugh. I was about shrug them off until I heard them begin to chat.

"He is so trying to get to me!" The middle girl wavy brown hair squealed.

"No, he is trying to get me!" The other girl with short, fluffy blonde locks said with a slight whine. I simply rolled my eyes. I knew Shay was a man that was loyal and committed who would never cheat on me, but I was jealous. Shay Cormac was my boyfriend; of course I would be jealous.

"Let's go down and try to talk to him." The other girl with her black hair in a high up pony giggled lightly. Her and her friends made their way down to the ice and I could only sit and watch; my ankles were still in pain. But I kept myself up, Shay would never cheat on me; he is faithful.

"Excuse me, may I sit next you?" A man with a Irish accent similar to Shay's asked. His hair was short, looked almost shaved. He had a strong jaw and a gentle smile.

"Uh sure." I gave him an awkward smile as he sat himself next to me, a bit to close.

"My name is Liam O'Brien. So is it your first time skating?"

"My name is (Name).What gave it away?"

"I saw you in the rink with your boyfriend...speaking of him, he looks a bit occupied over there." Liam points and I follow, seeing my dark haired boyfriend casually talking to the three girls. My heart sank a bit but I needed to keep my trust strong with Shay. "Why not leave him? Obviously he wants to be a man with many women."

"You don't know what your talking about." I mutter and scoot away from him. He scooted closer to me.

"I did not mean to offend, (Name). I just don't want to see a beautiful woman like yourself thrown to the side." He gave a husky laugh as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder. I was seriously uncomfortable. My eyes dance to Shay, pleading he would look my way and come to me. My boyfriend must a sensed my gaze because his head snapped my way almost instantly. I saw his face darken almost instantly. I watched him skate away from the girls. "Forget about him, (Name)." Liam's hand took my chin and made me face him.

"Please stop. I have a boyfriend that I love dearly."

"Forget about him love-"

"Excuse me." Shay voice was deeper than usual and his accent was thicker. I knew he was pissed. "What are you doing with my girlfriend?"

"Only keeping her company, seeing you were busy with those three. You should of seen the hidden sadness in her eyes." Liam slowly removed his arm from my shoulders. "You shouldn't be so jealous, you left her alone after all." Shay rolled his chocolate brown eyes.

"Shove off ya' bastard." Shay's large hands cupped both of my cheeks and he pulled me into a rough, powerful kiss. Most of the time his kisses were gentle and full of passion but this one was powerful and intense; he was showing Liam I was his. Shay's lips were soft despite the kiss being a bit sloppy and rough. I could taste his peppermint chap stick faintly before he pulled away to face Liam. My cheeks felt like fire even though we were in the cold rink. "As you can see, we are together, now leave us alone." Shay practically bark. The other Irishman let out and angry huff before going down to the ice while we sat down on the bleachers.

"Thank you for stepping in, babe." I smile and lean against him.

"I am sorry for leaving you alone and I am sorry for speaking with those women. I should of thought of your feelings, my love."

"Don't worry about it, Shay. I probably would of done the same to those girls if my ankles didn't protest." I chuckle softly. "I have never felt a kiss like that, well besides in the bedroom."

"Well I was making sure the that arsehole knew you are my girlfriend." I smile and wrapped my arms around his muscular arms. "Let's leave this place, lass. Do you want to get some food? Maybe when we get home, we can have some dessert." Shay wiggled his thick brows, making me giggle.

"Sure, I like the sound of that." We both stood up, arms looped together. "I love you, Shay Cormac."

"I love you too, (Name)." And we left, leaving Liam and the group of girls very disappointed.

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