This story is told in (1st person point of view) Getting ready 4 school

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I wake up to my alarm @ 5:00 in the morning and yawned very loud and jumped outta bed. "Honey! Come eat breakfast, it's chocolate chip pancakes!" My dad yells. My mom left my dad when I was only 4 years old. She found a different relationship, so technically you could say she cheated on my father. My dad hasn't dated ever since, he didn't deserve to be cheated on. He deserved a happy, honest, loving marriage. I didn't have a mom growing up as a kid. Feeling like I don't have a mom to talk to about make-up, boy drama, clothes, and everything else that ideals a woman. I'm 16 years old, a junior @ Westman High School. There's lots of preppy girls, Im in the preppy group of girls (but I don't act like them) I treat EVERYONE kindly. My friends Carly, Megan, Rachel, and Heather are all bitches. Of course I don't tell them that because I don't want to be kicked out of the popular group. They are unsympathetic, snobby, and trouble makers. Acting like they can take any guy out, have sex whenever they want, fuck any jock/hot guy in school. They also think they can treat the weirdos harshly. They don't care about other people's lives. They mostly care about gossip, sex, parties, getting drunk, and sleeping around. There conceded. I wish they could be nicer, actually care about other peoples feelings. I go downstairs to eat pancakes. My dad kisses my head while I butter my pancakes. My dad leaves for work and I check all my social media. I finish eating and go upstairs and do my makeup. First mascara, then eyeliner, then I curl my long light brown hair (blonde ombré at the bottom). I usually do messy buns, curl my hair (curling wand) and/or leave naturally straight. I apply my mascara, then apply my eyeliner, and touch my face up with a small contour and bit of blush. I change out of my short pajama shorts and my plain black oversized t shirt. Put on my cute laced black bra, then my cute crop top that says coffee first, and my ripped jeans, I brush my teeth and my hair, then curl my hair. I spray on my hairspray, perfume, and spray deodorant. I grab my keys and my long satchel bag. I get in my car and drive to school.

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