Chapters 7

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  • Dedicated to My Chemical Romance Fans

Elena POV

I walk over to Damon and whisper "Do you think she's okay?" "I don't know she may have not taken the whole almost attacked thing well." "Well remember our mom also nearly attacked her last week and then here comes Stefan and does the same." "True."

I walk back over to Anna to see her just staring at her original converse (the black ones) with her coffee in her hand. "Are you okay?" she just nods. "Will you talk to me? Don't worry as long as your with me and Damon you'll be safe." "Okay." "Thank you" "Your welcome."

"Oh by the way you start your first day of school today." Damon says. "Joy" she says her word is dripping with sarcasm. "You ready to go?" "Let me just change my clothes." "You brought clothing?" Damon asks."Yeah in my car." she gets up and yells "Be right back." 

Anna comes back with a luggage and walks upstairs to change. FF. Anna comes back with keys in hand wearing black skinny jeans a My Chemical Romance shirt and original converse. "So where's the school?" "Here I'll drive you there and you can drive back by yourself." I suggest. Anna nods her head.

"Okay let's go." I say.  "Wait how are you gonna get back?" Anna asks. "Oh I'm  gonna be there to take her back of course." Damon says. "Alrighty then." she says. Anna hands me her keys and tells me its the black car parked on the road. "You have a mustang?" Damon asks. "Yeah it was my dad's." 

We go in the car and I ask "What kind of cd's do you have?" "I have My Chemical Romance, Never Shout Never, Journey, Aerosmith, Offspring, Guns and Roses, Panic! @ the Disco, and Paramore." "Then pick one and throw it into the cd player, so we can listen to it on the way there." "mmkay." she says while grabbing a big cd case then grabs one and throws it in. 

I asked her what she chose she said "My Chemical Romance they are my favorite band." So we listened to My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. I'll admit that I don't listen to rock but they were good.

FF. I see Anna later on in the driveway, she seemed upset so I asked her what's up. "Nothing just that the schools having a stupid school dance." "Are gonna go?"  


hey wats up let me know what you think. all those artist i said are all my faves. especially My CHEMICAL ROMANCE. they are fucking amazing. look them up. shld I write what happened to Anna during her school day??

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