Levi x Child Reader

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Reader's POV

It's raining so hard, yet i'm still here alone in the alley way.
I've been here for as long as i remember, my mom died giving birth to me and my father kicked me out, i'm still 7 years old, how do i survive you ask? well, let's just say i steal money, use that money for my own sake.

And there are also bullies, the bully me since i'm the only girl among the stray kids they kept calling me names, hurt me by punching me anywhere...i'm alone in this world, until that very day

"Hey look, it's that girl...what's her name again?"
"right, WEAKLING"

I hated that name, they would always call me names like weakling,shitface,useless, crap, etc.

"i am not a weakling...." i mumbled

"what's that? too weak to speak" He said, making me more angrier.

"I AM NOT A WEAKLING!" i shouted at him, pretty sure they heared that 'cause the next thing i knew he kicked me, the other one punched me, the other slapped me.

i cried during everything,they just laughed and laughed at me for being weak and getting easily beaten up.

i tried sitting up but the leader just kicked me back down until...

"Oi, what do you think are you are doing?" This man, is going to help me get out of this mess? no one has ever seen or helped me...

Levi's POV

I woke up in my apartment due to my stupid alarm clock which i really hate because of the noise it makes.

I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes as i did so my phone rang.
great, who could that be? i got my phone which was placedon my side table and asnwered the call.

"Helooooooooo."great it's shitty glasses

"what do you you want?"

"Erwin wants to go get breakfast at titan coffee shop"

"go get some yourselves"

"i'll give you 2 windex 2 tide and 3 cleaning cloth"

"fine as long as i can get those things"

"they're all in the car just in case"

"good, be here in 10"

"see yaaaaa"

i hung up, dang she was crazy
well, i better get ready i have about 9 minutes..

i took my bath, wore a falling in reverse t-shirt and blue jeans and my Attack on Titan necklace.

I sat on my living room and checked the clock, 2 more minutes then...


"LEEEVVVVVIIII" Hanji screamed.
i went out of the house and got in her car with erwin in the back seat.

the whole ride to the coffee shop was silent. when we arrive hanji knew the drill, she orders we wait, we found our seat next to the window, i satclose to the window where an alley is visible.

erwin sat across me. As i was looking through the window i saw 3 boys, beating the shit out of a little girl, instead of not minding this, i got worried.

I ran as fast as i could, i guess erwin knew what was that for, so he let it be. I crossed the streets carefully, once i reached the alley,i sae the young girl briused, and was bleeding badly, so i asked the boys.

"Oi, what do you think are you doing?" they looked at me then back at the girl.

"Oh, look her prince charming finally came for the rescue" the leader, i think said at the other two just snickered.

"Brats!" she shouted harshly at them making the other two flinch.
Their leader raised an arm to punched her but i grabbed it, kicking him instead.

"Pick someone, your own size brat, not someone delicate as a flower.Leave her alone now..." he stared at me shocked the girl was just blushing madly but turned away so i couldn't see it.

Reader's Pov

He actually did it, he helped me... the three ran away, scared of what might happen.

"t-thank you mister" i stuttered, too shy to look at him.
"It's nothing, now let's go before your condition would get worse,your nose might be broken.." i stared at him for a few seconds admiring his cold stone-blue-ish gray eyes, then nodded without thinking twice.

He ran to the hospital with me in his arms, i was taken to the ememrgency room while he stayed out in the waiting area.

(Time-skip,by windex)

They said my nose would be fine but I will have to get it checked every week.

(another time-skip by tide)

my nose is now better, and the guy took me in as a family, he taught me to clean, to take a bath everything that my parents did not let me know how, i never asked his name, so, i guess today's the day.

"uhh, mister, i never got your name..." i said to him quite shyly.

"Levi, my name is Levi.And,yoyr welcome, it must've been hard before i came along eh?" he asked.

"y-yeah."i replied.


I'm now 24 and Levi, today's his 34th bithday. He never enjoys parties so i just gave him every cleaning stocks i have.
He kissed my forehead, i blushed at this sudden movement, but i just wanna thank him for being there for me back then.

"Hey (Y/N), can i ask one more question?" he asked staring directly at my (E/C) eyes.

"anything" i replied.

he kneeled on one leg and pulled out a velvet box in his hand.

"(Y/N), i'm not the lovey dovey person, but, you were there to comfort me when i'm sad or alone, you made me feel how love realky is, you made me knew, how it feels to be happy, so (Y/N), will you marry me?"
i locked eyes with him and mine started to be filled by tears

"YES, levi,yes i do" i replied as he placed the ring on my ring finger and then we kissed.

I love you Levi...And i always will



1010 WORDS,new record yeah! soo i hope you enjoyed this

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