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I've always been there for her, she has always been my rock, but when we find out that my best friend in the whole world, Poppy, has leukemia, our worlds come crashing to a stop. No more clubbing, no more talking about our trips around the worlds that we were planning, no more late night chats about what we would name our future children and where we wanted to go on our honeymoon with our husbands. That all came to a stop the minute she was diagnosed. Poppy has always been the stronger of us, even in our childhood, I remember her punching any guy that tried to throw worms at us. Now, it's all changed, her body is deteriorating rapidly, her chemo is aggressive and takes away all of her energy, she never fell in love, got married and had kids, no, her life was being ripped away from her before she had barely begun it.

Now, all se can do is sit around and hope that today isn't her last day. One thing I've learnt from her is that I should live everyday to it's fullest, because you never know if its your last. Any movement she makes is slow and pained, she seems as though anything hurts her, this is not the best friend I grew up with, this is someone who is constantly weak, pained and may never recover. We decided that it would be best for her to receive home treatment, where we kitted out the back room, that over looks the pond in her back garden, reminding her of when we were younger and saidd we always wanted fountains like Princess Mia, from The Princess Diaries did.

Knowing that I may never have my best friend again, I plan on spending as much time as I can with her, looking at all of our old memories and laughing at some of the reckless things we did.

The only thing that was going to shock me was that Poppy had rung her older brother, without telling me and I was in for one hell of a time, dealing with the player and heartbreaker known as Trey Miller, my ex. He claims to have changed, but I'm not so believing as from the minute he walks in the door, he tries to either hit on me, or tease me. Poppy is getting worse and now, I have to deal with her jerk older brother, Trey, can life get any worse? Oh I think it can.

Cover By Dinosaur-Rawr

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