{Chapter 4}

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My world stopped, my lungs shortened on their supply of oxygen, I feel heart skipping beats and my brain freezing over. Have you ever felt like you can't function anymore and that your whole world slows down? Mine is completely halted ad feels like it's going backwards.

"No! Don't!" I squeal laughing my head off as I feel the muscular arms that I know belong to Trey wrap around my knees, tightening as he hoists me over his shoulder. His deep chuckle reverberating throughout the trees. I squeak as he continues to walk over the uneven terrain and jolting me repeatedly.

"Are you sorry yet?" He questions, his tone laced with humour as he continues through the trees towards the lake that I know is at the edge of these trees. I giggle as I shake my head, my hair flying below be and blood rushing to my head.

"NEVER!" I shout, giggling my head off and not even caring that my ass is most likely in his face.

"You should probably say sorry before I drop you" He says as he stops at the edge of the lake.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" I cry as his grip loosens. I can feel him chuckling and he quickly throws me forward while keeping his arms wrapped around me, so as he doesn't drop me. My hands instinctively go out in front of me and just happen to land on his chest, while he continues to chuckle. I lightly smack him for being so mean to me. I giggle as I look up at the loser who is still kind of laughing at me but I start pouting at him as he slowly stops laughing at me.

"It's okay, I forgive you baby" He says, kissing everywhere on my face except for my lips. He eventually stops and looks at my lips, he slowly leans down and presses his against mine.

"Aurora?" I hear my name being called but I can feel the tears in my eyes from the bittersweet moment I've just relived.

"What happened?" I hear Damon ask, hoping he doesn't bring up anything to Poppy.

"I told her that about you and she freaked." I'm guessing Poppy said. I must be going crazy, that's the only explanation.

"Give her a few minutes and maybe get her to sit down, she might come back then" A new voice enters my hearing, and I can feel a set of big hands wrapping around my dainty ones, the roughness and sparks I feel running through my skin alerts me that it's neither Poppy nor Damon and that scares me the most. I move my eyes from being locked on the table top in front of me to the man in front of me, my breathing becomes shallow and I feel like bolting from the room.

"Hey there, Rori" He says, raising a hand to his brown curls and gently tossing them back up onto his head, showing me his piercing eyes that can make my heart flutter.

"T-Trey" I stutter out, not being able to keep my voice steady. He smiles when he knows I remember his face. "C-can I talk to you, in private?" I ask, slightly quieter than I normally speak. He just nods slightly at me and I head out towards the hallways I had just entered through, and towards the front door. I walk out the door with Trey slowly following. Once we're out the door, I turn and face him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, looking out at the road opposite me. I gulp as I turn and face the boy I haven't seen since he left us. My heart clenches as I face him.

"Poppy called me, she wanted me to come down and help out," He says, scuffing his shoes off of each other and looking around himself. I sigh through my nose.

"Why did you even bother? You never have before and you've never cared about her until now, it makes no sense you were basically a ghost for all these years and now you decide to come back when she's barely able to make it through a day where she doesn't collapse or get sick or have to sleep because she runs out of energy so quickly?! You have absolutely no right to be here." I spew, getting angrier and angrier as the seconds tick by, Trey looks taken aback by my outburst but I couldn't give a flying monkey what he thinks. He can't just come back and think everything is going to rainbows and chocolate, reality is hard and can be a real pain, what he doesn't know is that our lives are getting harder and harder every day and now he thinks he can come back here and be accepted with open arms?!

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